This speculative paper based on overseas research and preliminary investigations at Dohne indicates that there is considerable scope for establishing lucerne with the aid of a companion crop, or interceding in maize in the medium rainfall areas of the Kastern Cape. The successful introduction of ...
and prioritization of patients' needs are all components of trust15; additional components may exist, which implies that there is more to be understood about trust and its resultant behaviors and attitudes in the health care setting.16 While trust is often measured through surveys and questionnaires...
Taylor J.S. (1957) Notes on the birds of inland waters in the Eastern Cape Province with special reference to the Karoo. Ostrich 28, 1-80.Taylor JS. 1957. Notes on the birds of inland waters in the Eastern Cape Province with special reference to the Karoo. Ostrich 28:1-80....
In this transformation process, South Africa was very receptive to theories, models and schools of thought. Expertise from abroad was not provided in all instances without direct or subtle influence. There are already indications that certain models, that were applied successfully elsewhere, cannot be...
EASTERN Cape (South Africa)PSYCHOLOGICAL distressHOUSEHOLD surveysQUANTILE regressionLIVESTOCK productivityFOOD securityLivestock production constitutes an integral part of livelihood activities in Eastern Cape Province of South Africa because of its contribution to households'...
This research used dataset from the 1499 households captured in the 2021 South African General Household Survey to investigate whether access to a special relief from distress grant has effect on the livestock farming households' food security status in Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. ...
The objective of this study was to demonstrate how the current tourism activities in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province continue to function in the context of legacies of apartheid era. Until 1994, tourism development ideologies were based on enclave tourism development, with ownership structured ...
LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION AT BLACK-WHITE CONTACT POINTS IN THE EASTERN CAPE INDUSTRIES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ISIXHOSA AS LANGUAGE MEDIUMApart from the grammatical system of any language, attention should also be paid to its socio-cultural context and communicative aspect. Mutual understanding undoubtedly...