papers for special issues Sciencedirect Sciencedirect 好像是 Elsevier 旗下的网站。我找到了它的 speci...
Contemporary challenges-such as climate change, food, energy and water security, and deadly virus transmission-call for all people to think critically and scientifically. These challenges are often complex and interrelated; for example, society's increasing demand for energy contributes to the climate ...
In view of the significance of AI literacy in language education, this special issue aims to explore and address the pertinent issues surrounding its development. As such, we seek well-articulated and robust research contributions in several key areas, including but not limited to: Definitions, mod...
目前为止,很多call for paper网站都存在信息不及时和缺乏除会议外特刊的信息收录的问题。尽管麻烦,但更好的选择是定期有选择地浏览期刊网站以查找Special issue。以下仅为大家列举了部分的出版商。MDPIhttps://www.mdpi.com/special-issues MDPI可以在检索框输入关键词,如图中所示输入“肝炎”,检索结果第一列为期刊...
modeling and learning perspective, targeting interpretable methods and models being able to explain themselves and their output, respectively. Thus, this call covers a wide range of potential topics. We solicit high-quality, original papers describing work on the following (non-exhaustive) list of ...
Secondly we discuss the core issues of research within the field. Three levels are discerned within the literature: the personal level, the social interaction level and the media systems level. Finally we comment on the possible development of a unifi ed research agenda in media literacy....
Special Cross-Over Issue with I The German Quarterly i on "German Fairy Tales and Folklore in a Global Context" I Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German i is looking for contributions to a special issue on "German Fairy Tales and Folklore in a Global Context." For contributions to I Die ...
网址:https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/calls-for-papers 可以从页面左侧的学科领域栏筛选出论文对应的研究领域。 2. Springer出版社 网址:https://link.springer.com/ 出版社官网有「Call for paper」区域,直接查找搜索即可。 3.MDPI出版社 网址:https://www.mdpi.com/special-issues ...
Call for Papers for Special Issue Environmental Footprints: Analyzingand MitigatingtheEnvironmental BurdenfromAnthropogenicActivities Introduction With the progress of industrialization and urbanization, anthropogenic activities have led to considera...