经过调研发现期刊的投稿周期与会议相比普遍较长,很有可能来不及。同时,小鱼注意到有很多期刊提供特刊(Special issue),这些特刊通常有明确的收稿主题、收稿和通知的截止日期,一定程度上兼具了会议和期刊的优点。 TNNLS的案例 以IEEE TNNLS 的一项Special issue为例,可以看到有明显的收稿主题和相应的时间说明。图上可以看...
在期刊网站上发布SI提案征集; 通过先进的文献计量分析产生主题选取的想法,与期刊出版经理(Journal Publishing Manager, JPM)或委托编辑(Commissioning Editor, CE)进行适当沟通,验证该主题的可行性。 2. 获得发刊许可 发行特刊的提案需要主编(Editor in Chief,EiC)或其他高级编辑(Senior Editor)评估其可行性和适用性,...
Special Issue of Journaldoi:10.14219/jada.archive.1945.0234NoneELSEVIERJournal of the American Dental Association
This special issue is in honor of Professor Emmanuel de Langre, a prominent researcher in Fluid-Structure Interactions and the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Fluids and Structures. The issue is a collection of articles from authors who have eit
(leading to increased journal usage). What’s more, they have helped to increase the number of members interested in both reviewing and writing articles for the journal, and expressing interest in acting as Special Issue Guest Editors. When combined with increasing exposure and interest in...
Volume 2, Special Issue- II, October 2014 The International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) is an international online peer-reviewed, open-access & multidisciplinary journal published to promote research in different fields of Applied Science & Engineering Te...
Journal of Software期刊谁了解 它的Special Issue算正刊吗
“Your article is registered as a regular item and is being processed for inclusion in a regular issue of the journal. If this is NOT correct and your article belongs to a Special Issue/Collection please contact i. i.gopinath@elsevier.com immediately prior to returning your corrections.”. 该...
Guest editors play a vital role in curating high-quality contributions on a particular topic and driving the editorial review process for special issue publications. You can become a guest editor in two ways: Invited contribution The journal may invite you as an expert in your specific field of...
6个国际期刊的联合Special Issue: Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust (*投稿后就开始审稿,接收后很快出版*) Call for Papers: [Electronics (IF: 2.9); Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy; Mathematics (IF: 2.4); Remote Sensing (IF: 5.0); Sustainability (IF: 3.9); ISPRS International...