同时包括了期刊的Special issue和会议的Workshop信息,算是意外收获了。 WikiCFP Call4Papers Call4Papers - Federated 这个网站是call4papers.cn(这个域名好像挂掉了),有同名的知乎账号@Call4Papers。更新CCF相关的会议信息较为及时,网站上可以根据关键词检索会议信息。缺点同 WikiCFP 一样,这个网站的信息应该是人工录...
This special issue will provide a leading forum for timely, in-depth presentation of recent advances in explainable and interpretable machine learning and data mining. We aim to tackle these themes from the modeling and learning perspective, targeting interpretable methods and models being able to exp...
These challenges are often complex and interrelated; for example, society's increasing demand for energy contributes to the climate crisis, which in turn, could limit freshwater and food supplies, and contribute to worldwide spread of disease (Al-Saidi & Hussein, 2021; Lombardi, 2022). While ...
Call for Papers (Special Issue) Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning(JCCALL) Special Issue Theme: Cultivating AI literacy in language education: Theoretical discussions and practical applications Guest editor(s): Dr. Junjie Gavin Wu, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Macao Polytechnic Un...
寻找征稿Call for papers 专门的Special Issue索引网站 IEEE https://www.computer.org/publications/author-resources/calls-for-papers 优点:IEEE不限于某一个出版商,可以根据关键词,截止日期,会议或者期刊进行筛选缺点:它是专门针对计算机领域的,学科范围较窄 WikiCFP http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/home 优点:...
Submission Website: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/china-economic-review/about/call-for-papers Contact Person: Guixiang YE, gxye@xmu.edu.cn China Economic Review特刊征文通知 征稿截止时间:2024年2月28日 尽管进入21世纪以来,...
特刊(Special Issue)通常被称为“副刊(supplement)”,是常规期刊之外出版学术文章的科学期刊。副刊的...
1、竹材多尺度结构的研究与表征 2、竹材或竹基复合材料的功能化改性,如阻燃、防霉和力学性能增强等 3...
为了提高SCI的命中率,模术狮将给大家分享如何去找一本适合自己的Special Issue。 IEEE https://www.computer.org/publications/author-resources/calls-for-papers 优点:IEEE不限于某一个出版商,可以根据关键词,截止日期,会议或者期刊进行筛选 缺点:它是专门针对计算机领域的,学科范围较窄。