The first step in SAP special G/L indicator configuration is the account determination. With account determination, special G/L transactions are posted to an alternative reconciliation account. As a prerequisite, alternative reconciliation accounts should be created within the specified chart of accounts....
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Hi, Why I use special G/L indicator T not allow in t-code f-64 Accepted Solutions(0) Answers(2) Hi Use tcode F-29 and use spl gl indicator A or T to post customer down payment. alternatively use F-48 for vendor downpayment ...
1. Define F as Down Payment request ( this is std. provided by SAP) 2. Check box Noted items. 3. In target Spl GL, enter A..this is very important as this is the place where you are linking F to A 4. In spl GL transaction types, select the radio button Down payment/Down Paym...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function View products (1) Dear Gurus, How to findout Spl GL codes at company code level, I know that it will be at Client level. But where can we see at company code level? Know the answer? Help others by sharing ...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi, Can any1 explain why do we use special GL accounts. What kind of special gl accounts exist and how does this concept of special gl accounts works? I know they are used in down payment, are there any other place where special gl accounts are used...
Haven't heard anything yet. Regards, Carlo Former Member 2014 May 01 0 Kudos Interesting - I dont get the Excl field. (I have gone to the far right to check) I managed to enter a value for a Company Code, Special GL and leave the relevant as blank. You need to make sure ...
GMGAAP table in SAP PSM (Grants Management in PSM) module. This table is used for storing data of Special GL accounts in chart of accounts for GM GAAP. See the details, table fields, field types & length and technical data of GMGAAP table. etc.
T-code:GCVOSE16:T000C 如图1,在此定义允许LocalLedger,GlobalLedgerpost到特别总帐和允许一些文本使用多语言版本. 使用SPL是如此的简单,如果读着使用SAP标准的SPLLedgerL0(表GLT1)的话,读者不必要去了解SPL的具体细节,要做的只有两步,1GCVO启动SPL,2Tcode:GCL2Maintainledger时加上您的CompanyCodes就可以(请参...
Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata-common/entity.d.ts:53 Returns SpecialGlCode Properties financialAccountType financialAccountType: string Implementation of SpecialGlCodeType.financialAccountType Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCode.ts...
ALL_FIELDS: AllFields<SpecialGlCode> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCode.ts:115 All fields selector. Const FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE: StringField<SpecialGlCode> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCo...