“It looked like New York City on New Year’s Eve,” Chauncey, a former Special Forces team sergeant who helped lead a quick reaction force (QRF) to the refinery, tells The War Horse. “By far, the most chaotic battle scene that I’ve ever observed, let alone be a part of.” The...
Special Forces- a division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerilla fighting U. S. Army Special Forces,United States Army Special Forces division- an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve" ...
Two examples out of the Special Forces Regiment are the Team Sergeant Assessment and Preparation (TSAP) Program and the Field Grade Assessment Program (FGAP). Over the last year, we’ve run five week-long iterations of the TSAP at each of our active duty Special Forces Groups. The Spe...
As Williams worked to defend his position, his team sergeant, Master Sgt. Scott Ford, was hit by a sniper round. Once again, Williams braved intense enemy fire to provide Ford first aid and moved him down the sheer mountainside to the casualty collection point. Then, knowing the commandos a...
Jack served as a Sniper and Team Leader in 3rd Ranger Battalion and as a Senior Weapons Sergeant on a Military Free Fall team in 5th Special Forces Group. Having left the military in 2010, he graduated from Columbia with a BA in political science. Murphy is the author of Reflexive Fire,...
Sergeant Matthew O. Williams – Medal of Honor President Trump awarded the Medal of Honor to MSG Matthew O. Williams in the White House for actions in Afghanistan. (White House) Williams was a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant (18B) with ODA-3336, Special Operations Task Force 11, Combined Joi...
Maxpedition dump pouch-Usually we wore Multi-Cam but transitioned to Iraqi MARPAT knockoffs to blend it with our FID force. I’d wear some of my own stuff just to mess with my Team Sergeant though! As the deployment wore on I dropped a lot of the crap and just started wearing conceala...
Mark Giaconia was a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant (18B) assigned to a team in 10th Special Forces Group assigned to provide a liaison element to Russian forces patrolling a sector of the Serbian/Kosovar border. In his book, “One Green Beret” he recounts his experiences work...
These knives were designed by Kit Carson, a famous knife maker but also a Master Sergeant with a ton of military history. I can tell you from first-hand experience that these knives are hefty and do weigh quite a bit compared to the other pocket knives on this list, however, are perfect...
As an Alpha Company platoon sergeant from Forward Operating Base (FOB) McKenzie, adjacent to Diyala, SFC Cashe was in the lead Bradley Fighting Vehicle when it struck a roadside Improvised Explosive Device (IED). The vehicle’s fuel cell ruptured, instantly covering Cashe in...