Thus the presence of a nystagmus that is directed toward the side of the lesion or head tilt or changes direction with changes in the position of the head are the only reliable features of the abnormal nystagmus that indicate a central involvement of the vestibular system. Many patients with ...
Review Article Jpn J Human Genet 42, 265-316, 1997 HUMAN GENETICS: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MAJOR TRENDS IN JAPAN Toshiyuki YANASE* Faculty of Medicine,Kyushu University,3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812, Japan Key Words historical trends of human genetics...
The torso splint is very suitable for the fixation of cervical vertebrae and vertebrae in the rescue of traffic accidents. The trunk stretcher is equipped with rigid plate for spinal fixation, which is covered with strong and durable nylon material. It can not on...