针对“special device /dev/cdrom does not exist”的错误,可以按照以下步骤进行处理: 确认光驱是否被系统识别: 首先,需要确认系统是否识别了光驱设备。可以使用lsblk或fdisk -l命令来查看系统中的所有存储设备,包括光驱。 bash lsblk # 或者 sudo fdisk -l 如果在这些命令的输出中没有看到光驱设备,那么可能是光驱...
special device /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes.io/azure-disk/mounts/some-id does not exist
mount: special device /dev/mapper/AAA--2_SdDg-AAA_SdHv does not exist In a similarly reported issue, following errors were seen in/var/log/boot.logfile Raw mount: special device /dev/mapper/vg_01-lv_01p1 does not exist mount: special device /dev/mapper/vg_01-lv_backupp1 does not e...
special device /dev/hda does not exit:第一块普通IDE硬盘不存在 block device /dev/sro is write-protected ,mounting read-only!设备sro被写保护了,只能读取,不能编辑
5.special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist 设备文件不存在 [root@guanggege~]# mount/dev/sdb1/mnt/mount:special device/dev/sdb1 does not exist 特殊文件(设备文件) 不存在 6.contains a mounted filesystem 包含一个挂载文件系统 [root@oldboyedu59~]# mkfs.xfs/dev/sdb1 ...
群晖网页挂载文件夹洗白报错(或失败)mount: special device synoboot1does not exis 本人解决办法 本人参考链接 https://post.smzdm.com/p/a07mv7l9/ 1、root用户 ssh连到群晖后,切换到root用户 sudo -i 2、查看引导盘分区 ll /dev/sda* brw--- 1 root root 8, 0 Apr 6 22:36 /dev/sda brw--...
Mount command failed with error "mount: special device /dev/<VG_Name>/<LV_Name> does not exist"# mount -aor# mount </Filesystem>mount: special device /dev/<VG_Name>/<LV_Name> does not existCauseSign In To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account. Register ...
Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 6.0 and later: LVM is not Getting Mounted at Boot "mount: special device /dev/mapper/<VG_Name>-<LV_Name> does not exist"
Mount command failed with the message: Raw $ mount /dev/mapper/<vg>-<lv>/ /test mount: /test: special device /dev/mapper/<vg>-<lv>/ does not exist (a path prefix is not a directory). Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8