Which is good news for sword users futilely smacking things when out of ammo. Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is out on February 22nd 2022 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC and Google Stadia. Alongside the new content, Bungie is also reworking all of its Void subclasses, ...
Impact Gunfire 30 Does high damage, and causes 2 turns of invert status (takes 1.75x damage) if not already inverted. Invoked by magnum ammo. Issen (Flash of Swiftness) 30 Extra-high damage attack. Lowers target's power gauge to half of its current amount. Invoked by the long sword...
Reaver – Machete Shredder: Melee attacks with this weapon cause enemies to explode Stockpile: Increased ammo. (Stacks with Extended Mag) Volk – Corruption Mo’ Money: Every kill grants extra experience Sharpshooter: Increased damage range. (Stacks wit...
[CROSSBOWEX] 追月连弩ex WeaponID=GALIL Menu=RIFLE Special=75 AttackInterval=0.1355 MaxClip=100 武器弹夹 MaxAmmo=100 备用弹夹 AmmoCost=300 Ammo=50 MaxSpeed=240, 175 拿枪走路速度 ReloadTime=3.7 换弹速度 DeployTime=0.7 KnockBack=105, 95, 165, 125 VelocityModifier=0.7 AnimExtention=rifle Zoom=...