IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics & Questions IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics & Questions Recommend for IELTS Speaking Should I correct my mistakes or keep talking? Will I get a low score if I speak for less than 2 minutes? Speaking Part 2 Model Answer All IELTS Speaking Lessons, Tips & Model An...
IELTS PART 2 TOPICS Describe something you do that is good for your health that you would recommend to others. Describe something new you have bought recently but have not used. Describe an artistic person(actor, painter) you know about. Describe a park or a garden you often go to. ...
In Part 2 of theIELTS Speaking Module, you need to give a short talk, of about 1-2 minutes, on a simple topic. The questions do not require any specific knowledge, but are based on personal experience. You are handed a card with the topic and you have one minute to prepare your tal...
I have visited a lot of cities in the world, but I still consider Dubai to be my favorite city because it was very colorful. There was so much life in the city and everything was moving so fast. I could also call Dubai as a city of fun. The other reason liked Dubai that much wa...
• What is the name of the book? • When did you read it? • Tell about the book briefly? I am not book worm and I am not fond of reading books, though I cannot say the same for 7 Rejections. I have read this book for at least 50 times. The book is just mind blowing....
It is common to get topics related to using a mobile phone in IELTS Speaking part 2. Below you will see some typical cue cards for this topic that are also in use at the moment. On this page, you will find: sample cue cards for the topic of mobile phones ...
ielts-speaking-part-2-unusual-or-difficult-topics IELTS Speaking Part Two Tasks with unusual or difficult topics The tasks below should be useful for practising talking about every kind of topic, and for connecting IELTS Speaking tasks to every kind of textbook topic.IELTS Speaking Part Two tasks...
IELTS Speaking Part 2: Categories I would say, just about all above Part 2 topics can be put into one of these categories: People Places Events Activities Things Some questions may actually enter 1 or 2 different topics, but byfocusing on these Part 2 categories,it will help you get contro...
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topics, Tips and Sample Practice Questions To get a better sense of what the Speaking Part 2 task involves, watch our video below: IELTS Speaking Part 2: Overview and Process The IELTS Speaking test has three parts. If you want a summary of all three parts, click...
Part 2 Topic:"Describe an occasion when you had to wait for someone or something to arrive". Part 3 Topic:"Arriving early" & "Being patient". Part One - Introduction & Interview [The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiartopics.]...