Part 1 topics for students 1 Name Does your name have any special meaning? When Chinese people name their children, are there any special customs that are followed? Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names? How are Chinese names and Western names different? What name d...
Predicted Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1. These topics are compiled from recent topics, recurring topics that appear each year and new common trends. Part 1 topics are based on everyday life, such as family, happiness, mobile phones etc. Some topics below have specific questions, others have...
IELTS speaking part 1 topics and questions. Prepare for your test by developing ideas for topics and practicing answering questions. There is a download link at the bottom of the page for the list of topics. These topics will be used most years and will mostly likely be used at some point...
In part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask4-6general questions on familiar topics. It is expected that the examiner will introduce him/herself first and ask your name and then ask you to confirm your identity. The questions in this part include familiar topics such as home, fam...
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics 2021-03-07 09:42:2405:26 65 所属专辑:雅思|雅思听力|雅思口语|雅思写作|雅思阅读 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 雅思口语的视频教学您也可以关注我们的同名微信公众号“英语精灵守护您”!感谢您的收听! 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表...
Set 1|Set 2|Set 3|Set 4|Set 5|Set 6| IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics on this page: Health, Travelling, Birthday celebration, Online shopping, Songs and singing, Humour, Your country, Countryside, Spending time alone, Walking, Pets, Cinema/ Movie theatre, Handwriting. ...
Choose IELTS Speaking Part 1 topics to practice The IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic and questions have not changed much over the last several years, and the list provided by the IELTS podcast website is a good starting point. For example, if you are preparing for your test in 2023, you can...
Hi there, my name is Kara and in today's lesson we'll be looking at speaking part 1 of the IELTS. So first of all, you should note that in order to do well on the IELTS speaking parts, you will need to use a wide range of vocabulary to talk about various topics, such as food...
In the IELTS Speaking test, the topic of“Weekend”is one of the common topics, so it is important to prepare carefully for vocabulary as well as ideas for answers. Talk about your last weekend
In the actual speaking test scenario, Part 1 usually has 2 - 3 topics in a small talk style. However, Part 2 and Part 3 share the same topic, which helps to deepen the discussion. We present topics for Part 1 and Part 2/3. If you click a topic word, you can see a sample quest...