IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 Practice Dialogue 英语 口语 49 2024-08 3 雅思口语考试完整版(part1-part3) 口语 50 2024-08 4 00后的小姐姐连坐姿都这么“嚣张”的吗? 44 2024-08 5 在国内,敢这么“开玩笑”,早拘留了 16 2024-08 6 吃饭时别“吧唧嘴”,用英语怎么说?
Free IELTS speaking test sample. Practice IELTS speaking topics with answers. Get templates for IELTS speaking part 1, 2, & 3. Sign up to our 7-day free trial today!
There are two practice tests below. Each test includes questions for your study partner to ask you as well as a sample topic for you discuss.If you need more guidance, you can also listen to real-life audio recordings of a candidate taking the test. IELTS practice Speaking test Part 1...
In IELTS Speaking Part 1, you will be asked a range of questions on familiar topics. Try these practice questions with a partner and then check below to compare the sample answers with your own. In the real IELTS Speaking Part 1, you will be asked around five questions. For practice, le...
Improve your IELTS speaking score by practicing with our IELTS speaking practice questions and getting your speaking responses scored and reviewed.
IELTS Speaking Practice (雅思口语训练)© 51Talk. All Rights Reserved Page 1 GOALS IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 1. What do you do?- Do you study? Elaborate.- Do you work? Say something about your work. 2. Do you wish to study or pursue your career abroad?If yes,INTRODUCTION Acknowledge...
These four topics are the most common in IELTS speaking part 1. You should prepare ideas and practice answering these questions. You are VERY LIKELY to get one of these four for your first topic. Work What is your job? Where do you work?
P66【part2- Improve English Skill (2) 001-040】【001】Daily Use English Conversation 1:10:02 P67【002】Differences Between British English and American English ● Learn Vocabulary 36:08 P68【003】Easy Ways to Improve and Expand Your Vocabulary - English Speaking Practice 54:26 P69【004】Easy...
根据剑桥英语官网,2020 PET考试各部分(阅读、写作、听力和口语)的实际考试得分(Practice test score),即卷面分,会被换算成剑桥英语分数量表分数(Cambridge English Scale score),即标准分,以评估考生的语言水平。 以上内容为“ 2020年剑桥PET解析之 Speaking Part 1”的相关内容,祝各位莘莘学子取得好成绩。担心错过成...
The only way to master these five techniques is to practice them. In some cases, you want to provide reasons while in others, you'll want to provide examples.掌握这五种技巧的唯一方法是练习它们。在某些情况中,你要说明原因,而在其它情况中,你要举例子。You'll need to train your brain to ...