IELTS SPEAKING Introd讲义uction 此处加标题 IELTSSPEAKINGIntroduction 眼镜小生制作 易水寒江雪敬奉Thanks Thanks
Intro Question Practice Test Speaking Part 1 Speaking Part 2 Speaking Part 2-Audio Speaking Part 3 Tips Vocabulary Get IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions, and model answers which will help you prepare and practice IELTS Speaking Part 3 test
👉🏻 Newly added Questions Following are the new set of questions (in addition to above mentioned intro questions) that may be asked in IELTS Speaking Part 1 in the months of May – Aug, 2021. [su_box title=”FLOWERS (new)” style=”glass” box_color=”#b11313″ radius=”6″] 1...
Below is a full IELTS Speaking Test to give you practice before your real test. The practice test examiner will ask the questions and you must answer them. This is an old video – sorry for the poor quality. I will make a new one at some point. However, even though it is an oldie,...
Follow up questions in Part III Whats your favourite kind of music? How do you feel when you listen to this music? (benefit) Is music an important subject at school in China? (maybe not/ but deserve to be/ benefit) What are some differences between the music you listened to as a ...
New IELTS Essays! Readnewly added sample Argument and Opinion essayswith tips and explanations. Good for IELTS Task 2 Writing – Band 6 or 7 Thanks for dropping by! New! Youtube Channel! IELTS Speaking Practice: Watchthe videosand answer the questions! Visitour Youtube channel ...
Topics: general questions about home, family, work, studies, and interests. Purpose:determine your ability to explain information and your opinion about everyday topics. Time: last for 4 to 5 minutes. 根据自己的实际情况来调整 展开阅读全文 评论 UP主投稿的视频 热门评论(0) 按热度 请先登录后发表...
Useful Phrases to Use in the Classroom Instead of Mongolian Student Phrases I’m finished This means ___ Teacher, I need help. (Can you help me?) Yes, I understand. No I don’t understand. I have a question What does this mean? Teacher, can you explain this? May I go to the bat...