And explain why you liked it. Sample Answer Speaking Part 3: Follow-up Questions 1. What kind of books do children like? I’m not sure, but I guess they enjoy fairy tales and folk stories since the plots are usually quite bright. For example, most kids read Cinderella and love the bo...
Answer:When I was growing up, I guess blue was my favourite colour. I don’t know why, but I always really liked things that were dark blue. These days though, I tend to have a preference for green things. So I suppose green and blue are the colours that I like most. Question 2:...
Or admit that you don't know the answer, or you just don't usually think about it.或者承认...
通过故事 有效提高雅思词汇量 Boost Your Vocabulary for IELTS 雅思口语- 学习关于污染的词汇 An awesome story Keith老师- 话题 运动 IELTS Speaking Practice Keith老师- 话题 交通运输 Transportation Keith老师- 雅思高级词汇 Advanced Vocabulary for IELS ...
Firstly, although there are common topics that come up, they can all vary slightly, so if you give a learned response you may not answer the question. Also, examiners will be able to spot if you are using learned responses as you will not sound natural. ...
Check out moreIELTS Speaking Practice Tests. Aiming for a high IELTS Speaking score? Start your studies with theComprehensive IELTS Speaking Band 8 Preparation Course. Here is an audio recording of the sample answer for the speaking topic & questions given below. ...
This page provides you withIELTS speaking examplesfor part 2 of the IELTS test. In this part of the test you are given a topic card by the examiner and you have to talk about it for two minutes. You will be given a pencil and paper and one minute to prepare your answer. ...
基本信息 IELTS Listening Tips & Essential Information 7030:23 时间测试 IELTS Listening Section 1_ Time Test 5204:21 IELTS Listening Tips_ Multiple Choice 4922:47 IELTS Listening Tips_ Predicting Answers 7510:18 IELTS Listening_ Problems with numbers 4805:36 IELTS Listening_ English Names 5308:17主...
IELTS Energy Podcast 1266: IELTS Is No Big Whoop! 17:26 【Podcast Clip】Humble bragging 00:51 【Podcast Clip】How to use the phrasal verb "put away" in IELTS. 02:45 IELTS Energy Podcast 1268: 3 Ways to Answer Abominable(unusual) Questions. 17:26 【Podcast Clip】Tricks about...
In IELTS Speaking Part 1, you will be asked a range of questions on familiar topics. Try these practice questions with a partner and then check below to compare the sample answers with your own. In the real IELTS Speaking Part 1, you will be asked around five questions. For practice, le...