IELTS Speaking Part 2共计26条视频,包括:1.2 SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE — IELTS Speaking Part 2 — Teacher answer band 9.0 — IELTS、2.2 A PLACE YOU VISITED — IELTS Speaking Part 2 — Reach band 7.0+ — Cue card、3.2 SPORT — IELTS Cue Card Part 2 — Most comm
Useful phrases for IELTS Speaking Part 2 Now you know all about Part 2, it might be useful to learn some useful phrases for this part of the test. As I mentioned above, the questions in IELTS Speaking Part 2, can be divided into 5 categories: Let’s look at some useful phrases for ...
So in part 2, the IELTS speaking section, you'll be given a question card, pen, and paper. Once you have the question card, you'll have one minute to take notes and think about how you're going to answer.所以在雅思口语考试的第 2 部分,你会收到一张问题卡,笔和纸。一旦你拿到问题...
Today in today's video, we're going to be looking at a model answer for IELTS speaking part ...
2.Describe a person who likes helping others You should say: Who the person is What she did And explain how you feel about this person Plus: Do you like helping others? 3.Describe an active person who is full of energy You should say: ...
I took a course last month which really impressed me a lot. I have always been interested in photography and I like taking pictures with my smartphone and camera. My brother got me a digital SLR camera on my birthday this year. I have used a point-and-shoot camera before but never used...
A list of common topics and questions for IELTS speaking part 2. Speaking part 2 is called: “The Talk” A face to face talk with the examiner (3-4 minutes) You will be given a topic card (cue card). You will have 1 minute to prepare your talk and then you will need to speak ...
I would like to make a very big house. I would make a house which would consist of at least 20 rooms. There would be everything available in one room. I would keep 3 or 4 rooms for my own use and I would like to make a library where I could do my work and I would also be...
For part 1 and part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Test, you should prepare the following for each topic: your favourites / likes / dislikes your abilities (things you can do or not do) your habits & routines (how often and when you do things) ...
The only thing I know about the graduation ceremony was sadness. Most people refer to graduation ceremony as a time when they felt proud or they felt happy, but I was feeling sad. It was painful to leave all of friends and the most painful part was that I was to leave the school in...