How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
Boost your IELTS Speaking practice with a popular topic, Health and Healthcare, and get a self-check with Part 1, 2 & 3 sample answers and Band 9 vocabulary.
KET Speaking Preparation guide KET口语考试内容 KET的口语分为两个部分,First Part是考官分别与两个考生对话。问几个问题,基本上是关于考生自身的,例如兴趣爱好,学校生活,家庭情况等等。这部分比较简单,不太足以拉开差距,关键在于Second Part。 Second Part是两考生之间进行对话。第一轮,A考生拿信息卡,B考生拿问题...
And they're usually more in-depth. Also what makes part 3 different from part two is that the entire part 3 is a two-way discussion with the examiner.而且它们通常会更加深入。第三部分与第二部分的不同之处在于整个第三部分是与考官的双向讨论。The examiner will first ask you questions and bas...
IELTS Speaking Part 1: Send Messages IELTS Speaking Part 1: Science Describe An Energetic Person That You Know Describe A Foreign Country You Would Like To Go To In The Future Describe A Product You Bought But Returned At The End Describe A Situation In Your Vehicle That Broke Down During ...
When students start speaking, start teaching speaking skills. When students have weekly share time in kindergarten, teach a lesson first, perhaps about how to look at all audience members. Before a research presentation in 10th grade, offer a lesson about how to add life to students’ voices ...
First, employers can offer “flexibility” with work schedules, whenever possible, so that the employees can have little time to spend with their families and friends in between the work hours. Employers can also allow some “unpaid time off” (not getting paid for the off days) so that ...
IELTSSpeakingPart3文档之家?ieltsspeakingpart3 IELTSSpeakingPart3 IELTS Speaking Part 3: answer structure Answer 1 1. Answer the question - "it depends" 2. Explain one side 3. Explain the other side 4. Give an example Answer 2 1. Firstly - first characteristic of a good listener 2. ...
going to help you get a high score on your next IELTS speaking interview with this unique first...
Finally, I made it, though I felt so sleepy. I fell asleep as soon as I was on the plane. It was such a frightening experience as it was the first time I went on a plane, dealing with all kinds of stuff at the airport in the early morning on my own. Luckily, some kind people...