Speaking at a Funeral: Public Speaking TipsOne of the most memorable parts of a funeral or memorial service are the stories people tell about the deceased. Whether part of a formal eulogy, or an individual standing up to share a favorite memory, these are the things we carry in our hearts...
P109113. DEATH & FUNERALS - Learn English Vocabulary & Traditions _ LIVE English Les 1:17:02 P110114. Best Swear Words Alternatives _ British English Lesson in Swearing Without 02:53 P111115. You Won't Know Any Of These Words _ MOST ADVANCED ENGLISH WORDS 2_3 06:33 P112116. Unboxing...
If an occasion is solemn, such as an event to mark a particular tragedy (or if a public tragedy has just happened), humor is not appropriate. Humor is generally ill-advised at funerals as well, with just a few personal or cultural exceptions....
Unit 7 Speaking to Persuade 课件外国文学欣赏
Most people will give some sort of ceremonial speech during their lifetime. These speeches mark special occasions. They are common at weddings, graduations and funerals -- as well as large birthday celebrations and office holiday parties. Ceremonial speaking typically involves a toast and is persona...
English-Public-Speaking(共34张)EnglishPublicSpeaking 第1页,共34页。AWeek1 ➢basicintroductiontothecourse&requirementsclarification Week2-16 B Øin-classpractice ØArrangements:• 2-3students/group/week/topic • Preparedspeech(5min)+Q&A(2min)• impromptuspeech(3min)•15groups Week17-18C ...
broodabout(thinkof)anargumentwithhisgirlfriend Situation •Thetimeandplaceinwhichspeechcommunicationoccurs•Certainsituations:funerals,weddings,graduationceremonies,openceremonies•Physicalsetting:aspeechispresentedindoorsorout,toadenselypackedcrowdortoahandful(少量的,难以掌控的)ofscatteredsouls ...