to a formal address: to speak sharply; to speak before Congress. To converse is to exchange ideas with someone by speaking: to converse with a friend. To talk is a close synonym for to speak but usually refers to less formal situations: to talk about the weather; to talk with a friend...
scholarly presentation to a formal address:to speak sharply; to speak before Congress.Toconverseis to exchange ideas with someone by speaking:to converse with a friend.Totalkis a close synonym fortospeakbut usually refers to less formal situations:to talk about the weather; to talk with a ...
Radio, currently a synonym for "electromagnetic radiation", actually first came into use before Heinrich Hertz's proof of the existence of radio waves. Originally "radio" was a general prefix meaning "radiant" or "radiation" -- hence the term "radio-activity" for the alpha, beta, and gamma...
And then there are people who just don’t put any consistency to their approach to tagging and then they end up with tag pages that have very similar sounding tags. Maybe a verb, a couple of verb tenses, maybe a synonym, and so forth—that can be a real mess. And all that ends ...
To converse is to exchange ideas with someone by speaking:to converse with a friend.To talk is a close synonym for to speak but usually refers to less formal situations:to talk about the weather; to talk with a friend. 12. pronounce, articulate. 13. say. 15. disclose. -speak, a...