to a formal address: to speak sharply; to speak before Congress. To converse is to exchange ideas with someone by speaking: to converse with a friend. To talk is a close synonym for to speak but usually refers to less formal situations: to talk about the weather; to talk with a friend...
To converse is to exchange ideas with someone by speaking:to converse with a friend.To talk is a close synonym for to speak but usually refers to less formal situations:to talk about the weather; to talk with a friend. 12. pronounce, articulate. 13. say. 15. disclose. -speak, a...
Radio, currently a synonym for "electromagnetic radiation", actually first came into use before Heinrich Hertz's proof of the existence of radio waves. Originally "radio" was a general prefix meaning "radiant" or "radiation" -- hence the term "radio-activity" for the alpha, beta, and gamma...
scholarly presentation to a formal address:to speak sharply; to speak before Congress.Toconverseis to exchange ideas with someone by speaking:to converse with a friend.Totalkis a close synonym fortospeakbut usually refers to less formal situations:to talk about the weather; to talk with a ...