Shortly after China optimized the COVID-19 strategy and announced the removal of COVID-19 related restrictions on international passenger flights fromJanuary 8, countries such as the U.S., the UK, France, Italy, India, Australia and Japan started to impose restrictions on...
sent to Safeway during the “Welcome.” I hadn’t really planned to be a scofflaw, but I had looked into the bread cupboard and seen that we were down to a single loaf, and then looked in the refrigerator and had seen only the one gallon of milk, and told myself, I must...
As a lead up to the next lesson, “How to Recognize a New Testament Church,” one more matter needs to be understood. A “church of the living God” is to be the “pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15). The church is to support the truth, as does a pillar a buildi...