Talk To A Doctor Online Via Video or Audio Call and Receive The Best Remote Care From Any Location Clinic Visit Avoid Waiting In Queues and Wasting Time, Find a Hospital and Book Your Appointment Ahead Health Market One-stop hop For All Your Health Needs. Helps You Compare Prices, Find An...
Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Talk to a doctor online and order medicines from the comfort of your home! With Ailaaj, skip the waiting line and talk to a doctor instantly! Simply book an appointment, and get a consultation from General Physicians, Nutritionists, Cardiologists, Pediatric...
Noun1.doctorspeak- medical jargon jargon- specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page...
Related to speak: speakeasyspeak (spēk) v. spoke (spōk), spo·ken (spō′kən), speak·ing, speaks v.intr. 1. To produce words by means of sounds; talk: Can the baby speak yet? 2. a. To express thoughts or feelings to convey information in speech or writing: He spoke of...
When we receive your e-mail and the doctor feels that he needs to speak to you to discuss your problems, he will call you immediately and we can help you that way. But if we feel it is necessary, we may ask you to have a video consultation to make a diagnosis or to treat you, ...
Doctor of Engineering MS in Chemistry, 24+ years Exp. Since 2015, I have been working as a translator with Ulatus, with enjoying its quick response, and have been providing translation services centered on medical, natural science, and engineering fields. I would like to continuously brush up ...
You will get instant link to medical professionals of different specialisations just with a click. I tried it and it worked Dr. Mustapha Doctor This is long overdue in Nigeria and I am particularly impressed that MMB is gradually been embraced. Their services are impeccable and I will strongly...
Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Talk to a doctor online and order medicines from the comfort of your home! With Ailaaj, skip the waiting line and talk to a doctor instantly! Simply book an appointment, and get a consultation from General Physicians, Nutritionists, Cardiologists, ...
Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Talk to a doctor online and order medicines from the comfort of your home! With Ailaaj, skip the waiting line and talk to a doctor instantly! Simply book an appointment, and get a consultation from General Physicians, Nutritionists, Cardiologists, ...
Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Talk to a doctor online and order medicines from the comfort of your home! With Ailaaj, skip the waiting line and talk to a doctor instantly! Simply book an appointment, and get a consultation from General Physicians, Nutritionists, Cardiologists, ...