Speak No Evil: Christian Tafdrup द्वारा निर्देशित. Morten Burian, Sidsel Siem Koch, Fedja van Huêt, Karina Smulders के साथ. एक डेनिश परिवार छुट
“Speak No Evil” is a psychological horror film starring James McAvoy and it is a remake of the 2022 Danish film by the same name. So let’s dive into some trivia and facts about the film. Speak No Evil is a 2024 American psychological horror film The film is written and directed by...
Speak No Evil: James Watkins द्वारा निर्देशित. James McAvoy, Mackenzie Davis, Scoot McNairy, Aisling Franciosi के साथ. एक परिवार का एक आदर्श
Speak No Evil 78Metascore 2022 1 hr 37 mins Drama, Horror, Suspense Watchlist The Danish couple Bjørn and the vegetarian wife Louise and their young daughter Agnes are spending summer vacation at Tuscany, Italy. Agnes loses her stuffed rabbit Ninus and Bjørn seeks out the toy until he ...
A remake of the 2022 movie Speak No Evil follows a family who head to the country for a much-needed vacation - but the situation quickly deteriorates, thrusting them into a horrific nightmare.
又名Speak No Evil 主演 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊麦肯兹·戴维斯斯科特·麦克纳里 剧情 一家人受邀前往与世隔绝的乡间小屋度假,却在各种诡异细节中发现了惊悚秘密——沉默不语的男孩、心怀鬼胎的夫妻……温馨出游惨变惊骇噩梦,杀机暗藏,步步紧逼,深陷迷局,如何自救?视频...
1小时37分钟 6.7 力荐 0看过 0想看 片 名非礼勿言 上映时间2022年01月21日(圣丹斯电影节) 导演Christian ... 又 名說不出的邪惡 Speak No Evil 主演Morten Burian 剧情 一对丹麦夫妇受邀带着女儿前往荷兰,造访之前在旅途中结识的荷兰夫妇,却发现自己泥足深陷。
A remake of the 2022 Danish horror film, Speak No Evil locks an American and British family together in the English countryside and things go pretty horrifically from there. Stars James McAvoy and Mackenzie Davis, and writer/director James Watkins joined us at San Diego Comic-Con ...
Written for the screen and directed by James Watkins, the writer-director of Eden Lake and the award-winning gothic ghost story The Woman in Black, Speak No Evil is based on the screenplay of the 2022 Danish horror sensation Gæsterne, written by Christ...
the writer-director of Eden Lake and the award-winning gothic ghost story The Woman in Black, Speak No Evil is based on the screenplay of the 2022 Danish horror sensation Gæsterne, written by Christian Tafdrup and Mads Tafdrup. That film earned 11 Danish Film Awards nominations, the Dani...