Society of Petroleum Engineers 2024年5月6日上午,美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)石油工程系A. Daniel Hill教授应邀在全国重点实验室A403学术报告厅作了题为《碳酸盐岩储层酸化增产措施:基质酸化还是酸压?》的SPE杰出演讲学术报告。...
3月14日记者获悉,经过激烈角逐,由安全环保院与中国石油迪拜研究院联合申报的“非常规油气开发产用水平衡策略及关键技术”一路过关斩将,在国际石油工程师协会(Society of Petroleum Engineers,SPE)水资源全生命周期管理大会和展览暨SPE水资源全生命周期管理大奖颁奖典礼上,获得SPE水资源管理创新与技术奖冠军。国际石...
Society of Petroleum Engineers' Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Dates: Monday, October 20, 2025 - Wednesday, October 22, 2025 Venue: George R. Brown Convention Center,Houston TX,United States SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) is the leading technical energy conference ...
网络美国石油工程协会 网络释义 1. 美国石油工程协会 ...是由美国石油工程协会(SPE-SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS) 主办,... 展品范围: 机械设备:油井...发布者:北京盈 …|基于6个网页
We are the largest individual-member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. We offer a unique opportunity to contribute to the profession through our pro
【本网马斯喀特讯】4月22日至24日,SPE石油及能源展览大会在阿曼首都马斯喀特隆重举行,集团公司天然气研究院参加本次会议,并在大会上做了“混合井网立体开发技术”交流报告,得到与会代表的广泛关注和肯定。 会议由SPE(Society of Petroleum Engineers,国际石油工程师协会)组织、阿曼国家石油公司主办、阿曼能源矿产部资助...
The Society of Petroleum Engineers | Reviews The largest individual-member organization serving managers, engineers, scientists and other professionals worldwide in the upstream segment of the oil and gas industry. INTERNAL PAGES 1 15RPC - Российска...
New dimensions of environmental loss and escalating liabilities following Macondo have catapulted environmental risk to a key feature on the corporate balance sheet. Forecasting expected losses of critical environmental functions, which underpin society, is setting new challenges insurance underwriters and sci...
This paper chronicles the surface and field trials of a liner drilling system in which a liner is releasably attached to a drill string used to both convey the liner and bottom hole assembly into the well bore and apply drilling force to the bottom hole assembly. The purposes behind the dev...
Society of Petroleum Engineers (石油工程师学会SPE) 【URL】 【组织简介】 The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a diverse community of professionals that provides valuable knowledge and services to those professionals and to the industry in varied forms. The ...