C++ SPDLOG编译错误:变量或字段‘set_error_handler’声明为空是因为在使用SPDLOG库时,没有正确地声明或定义set_error_handler变量或字段。这个错误通常是由于以下几种情况引起的: 忘记包含相关的头文件:在使用SPDLOG库之前,需要包含正确的头文件。请确保在代码中包含了正确的头文件,例如#include ...
Package: spdlog:x86-windows@1.14.1 Host Environment Host: x64-windows Compiler: MSVC 19.40.33813.0 vcpkg-tool version: 2024-07-10-d2dfc73769081bdd9b782d08d27794780b7a99b9 vcpkg-scripts version: 5c7d3a8 2024-07-31 (13 hours ago) To Reprod...
'spdlog' C:\Users\Omega\prog\bots\src\graphics\window.cpp(91): error C3861: 'warn': identifier not found C:\Users\Omega\prog\bots\src\graphics\window.cpp(94): error C2039: 'info': is not a member of 'spdlog' c:\users\omega\prog\bots\lib\spdlog\include\spdlog\details\../sinks/...
error: 'spdlog::details::registry' has not been declared gabimereopened thisMay 21, 2019 Basically it results in this: Does that make sense? Omegastickmentioned this issueJul 4, 2019 luckman212mentioned this issueApr 1, 2021 Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have...
Dear gabime, I got an error trying to link with static library form of spdlog, be it version 1.4.2 or master: CMake Error at C:/prog/lib/spdlog/spdlog-1.x-vs2019-64bits-static/spdlogConfig.cmake:15 (include): include could not find load ...
I'm upgraded to the latest version of SpdLog, building for Windows Desktop, and I'm getting: 1>C:\Dev\Couloir\3pLibs\Include\spdlog/sinks/file_sinks.h(119): error C2039: 'remove': is not a member of 'spdlog::details::os' 1> C:\Dev\Couloi...
Tried to test the latest docker image but couldn't get any output ➜ ~ docker run ghcr.io/k4yt3x/video2x:6.0.0-beta.3 video2x -h /usr/bin/video2x: error while loading shared libraries: libspdlog.so.1.14: cannot open shared object file: No...
When I imported spdlog to my project, it always compiled error with following details you can see below. Could you help me? The head file I included just called #include "spdlog/spdlog.h". 1>c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\vc\tools\msvc\14.16.27023\include...
#ifdef SPDLOG_NO_EXCEPTIONS #define SPDLOG_THROW #define SPDLOG_TRY #define SPDLOG_THROW(ex) \ do \ { \ printf("spdlog fatal error: %s\n", ex.what()); \ std::abort(); \ } while (0) #define SPDLOG_CATCH_ALL() #else #define SPDLOG_THROW throw #define SPDLOG_TRY try #define ...
Build error: [1/2] Building CXX object example\CMakeFiles\example.dir\example.cpp.obj FAILED: example/CMakeFiles/example.dir/example.cpp.obj C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\2019\PROFES~1\VC\Tools\MSVC\1429~1.301\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe /nologo /TP -IC:\Temp\spdlog\include /DWIN32 /D_WINDO...