tgt(spdk_tgt)如何支持NVMe-oF的RDMA操作? 简介 NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) 是 NVMe 网络协议对以太网和光纤通道的扩展,可在存储和服务器之间提供更快、更高效的连接,并降低应用程序主机服务器的 CPU 利用率 NVM Express over Fabrics 定义了一个通用架构,支持存储网络结构上的 NVMe 块存储协议的一系列存储网...
Specify another. 回答 SPDK进程的socket端口被占用,执行ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep spdk_tgt命令检查是否已经有正在运行的spdk_tgt。如果确认现在正在运行的SPDK进程可以关闭,可以手动执行kill -TERM <对应进程的PID>命令后重新启动SPDK进程。收藏 下载文档...
Please use the issue tracker only for reporting suspected issues. See The SPDK Community Page for other SPDK communications channels. just run spdk_tgt with no argument, top command show that reactor 0 occupy 100% cpu Expected Behavior i...
Current Behavior SPDK crashes due to "double free or corruption" when removing lvol bdev with active compression bdev. Core dump attached. Steps to Reproduce Compile SPDK with compression enabled git submodule update --init ./co...
该结构体是SPDK(Storage Performance Development Kit)中用于表示NVMf(NVMe over Fabrics)目标的结构体。它包含以下字段: name:目标名称,以null结尾的字符串。 mutex:互斥量,用于串行化对目标的访问。 discovery_genctr:发现计数器,每当该目标的子系统更改时,都会增加此计数器,以通知所有正在查找该目标的主机。
Sighting report this is tgt core: Core was generated by `./nvmf_tgt -m[3,4,5] --json /usr/lib64/NofCfg/nof_setting.json'. Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted. #0 0x00007f18ec9ff0fb in raise () from /lib64/ Missing separate...
iscsi.c:1934:spdk_iscsi_op_login_notify_session_info: NOTICE: Login from ( on tgt_node1 (,1), ISID=80732eea0000, TSIH=1, CID=0, HeaderDigest=off, DataDigest=off iscsi.c:3200:spdk_iscsi_op_task...
./app/nvmf_tgt/nvmf_tgt -c nvmf.conf nvme discover -t rdma -a -s 4420 Context (Environment including OS version, SPDK version, etc.) OS: Fedora release 25 SPDK version: commit id is9637e17 NIC: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection X722 for 10GbE SFP+ ...
Sighting report When using SPDK as nvmeoF target, and enable HDGST and DDGST with DSA, I ran fio benchmark, after several minutes, the nvmf_tgt core dump. I'm testing SPDK as NVMeoF target and initiator on two SPR servers. The server sid...
This reproduces all the time in the test pool as well. For example: Sorry, something went wrong. ghostadded thebuglabelon Mar 2, 2018 ghostchanged the titleSPDK iscsi_tgt reported "*ERROR*: bdev IO pool count is 65...