当PCP MAP请求携带prefer_failure option,且公网IP地址非0时,允许随机分配一个公网IP地址的场景,可通过配置PCP协议的prefer_failure增强功能实现。 (可选)执行命令pcp lifetimemin-timemin-valuemax-timemax-value,配置PCP连接的生存时间。 当配置的PCP连接生存时间到期,CGN设备会及时拆除PCP连接,释放资源。业务部署时...
当PCP MAP请求携带prefer_failure option,且公网IP地址非0时,允许随机分配一个公网IP地址的场景,可通过配置PCP协议的prefer_failure增强功能实现。 (可选)执行命令pcp lifetimemin-timemin-valuemax-timemax-value,配置PCP连接的生存时间。 当配置的PCP连接生存时间到期,CGN设备会及时拆除PCP连接,释放资源。业务部署时...
Plotly.newPlot("myDiv", data, layout);</script><script>varN=40, x=d3.range(N).map(d3.random.normal()), y1=d3.range(N).map(d3.random.normal()), y2=d3.range(N).map(d3.random.normal()), data=[ { x: x, y: y1, type:"scatter", mode:"markers", marker: { color:"rg...
I am able to set up a template and save the characteristics, but I still have to go through and check off boxes in the data bank map for graphs and whatnot. Not terribly hard, just time consuming. Vendor Response Thank you for taking the time to review our software Alex! The ability...
2.1.369 Part 1 Section 17.14.15, fieldMapData (External Data Source to Merge Field Mapping) 2.1.370 Part 1 Section 17.14.16, headerSource (Header Definition File Path) 2.1.371 Part 1 Section 17.14.17, lid (Merge Field Name Language ID) 2.1.372 Part 1 Section 17.14.18, l...
Global Title Translation Address-Map Configuration Mode Commands Global Title Translation Association Configuration Mode Commands GPRS Service Configuration Mode Commands Event Report Conn Configuration Mode Commands GRE Tunnel Interface Configuration Mode Commands Gs Service Configur...
QI Macros also contain many of the tools used by the AIAG. These tools are updated each time a new AIAG edition is published. Each template contains several different worksheets. Tools include: Templates for Your Quality improvement Efforts ...
产品/服务的过程如管理,财务,采购与工艺.控制(control)的意思是通过过程控制成功地控制产品服务.控制是指通过经预先设计的实验及采用统计技巧成功地:1)进行过程控制;2)维持或改善控制.目标是使品质维持不变.把统计,过程及控制三个名词的英文字头起来就是SPC. 什么是统计过程控制(SPC)-续2SPC就是利用统计方法去:1...
执行命令qinq mapping vid vid map-vlan vid map-vid [ vlan-group group-id ],将报文中携带的一层Tag映射为指定的Tag。 对于带有一层Tag的报文,将携带的一层Tag映射为另一层Tag,映射前的Tag和其他子接口下的外层Tag不能相同。 如果已经在子接口上使用命令qinq mapping vid配置QinQ Mapping功能,则不能再配置...