aThe number of victim was expected to rise as not all reports form affected areas had been received by the agencey,she said.The quake hit the island Thursay morning with epicenter at lokm under sea bed, an offcial of the Meteorologe and Geophysics Agency named only Appriallianto told XinH...
eepicenterregion andmadeasurveyusingfaultzonetrappedwaves.Thispapergivesabriefintroductionabouto ursurveyatPing- tongTownanditspreliminaryresults.PingtongTownlocatesjustoverthefracturedzoneofthe 2008Wenchuan8.0 earthquakeandthedamageatthesurfaceisveryserious.TheobservationallineCrossesthefra ...
Seven months ago, a fiery blaze raged through my ancestral land of Hawaii, consumingthousands of acres, with Lahaina in Maui at the epicenter. Experts say the fires weresupercharged by climate change, and native plant species being replaced withless fire-resistant ornamental species. Almost 100 hu...