Launch Minecraft and join your server with theIP Address:Port. Once in-game, head to the desired spawn location and open chat. Proceed to run the/setworldspawncommand, which will set the spawn point for all players. Afterward, execute the/gamerule spawnRadius 0command so every user will spaw...
关于“命令/spawnpoint”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“命令/spawnpoint”的历史,请见各版本页面。
额,好吧,/setspawn是指在服务器中新玩家在登入时的地点,而/spawnpoint通常在单机中设置某玩家的出生点,因为是单机,所以一般是你自己 ,只代表本人的观点,望采纳。
用spawnpoint把重生点设在末地是不是就回不去了 只看楼主收藏回复 石粒真男人 方块之界 2 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-01-28 13:40回复 ovo177 黑石闪耀 11 tp 来自Android客户端2楼2023-01-28 14:55 回复 黑嫖- 勇者生存 4 /execute in minecraft:overworld run tp 坐标 来自Androi...
And when you’re dead, you will naturally spawn right in the spawn point. In Minecraft, players can spawn at pretty different places as they are always randomized. To prevent any technical issues when the player respawns in the spot, there’s something called spawn protection Minecraft. This ...
To set the spawnpoint of a specific player to set coordinates, type in "/spawnpoint Scalacube 55 -23 -43". Congratulations! You now know How to Set World Spawn on Minecraft. FAQs Can I play without being a server operator? Yes, you can join the game without being a server operator,...
It's a Vanilla Minecraft command Member zax71 commented Aug 19, 2024 Oh, so it is well I never knew that. We’ll have to look in to what events that calls and maybe implement something zax71 changed the title [Bug]: Multiverse Core breaks /spawnpoint [Bug]: Vanilla /spawnpoint does...
村庄出生点 Village Spawn Point Mod由作者“Serilum”所制作。 Village Spawn Point将新世界的出生点设定在离x=0,z=0最近的村庄中心。 前置mod Collective 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,我们将会尽快进行修复。
村庄出生点(Village Spawn Point)Mod 村庄出生点是一个极简的模组,它把新世界的出生点设置在村庄的中心。所选村庄将是最接近 x=0、z=0 的村庄。 就这?就这?这个模组确实内容非常简单,它最重要的功能是去搭配其他需要村庄的模组。 模组搭配推荐 吸血鬼 :适合于热衷于选择猎人阵营的玩家使用。
In the world ofMinecraft servers, a decent spawn point is vital for players looking to get started. Whether this is a resource-rich biome in vanilla or a hub for servers, the spawn is where the first impression is made. While the base game has commands relating to a spawn point, there...