014B: $tower_hotdog= init_parked_car_generator588-1 -1 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 at1555.183 -1352.873 329.4553angle90.0 The green text should be replaced with something descriptive of your new location, so you can find it easily if you need to change something. I've named mine to...
- Write out the car(s) file name with a comma (no spaces) Additional Info: - You can add any vehicle(s) to this list (even ones that normally spawn). - There are a 20% chance vehicles on this list will spawn upgraded - Vehicles spawn every 20 seconds to give it a "rare" class...
3. Download & install this good old mod: https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/mp-vehicles-in-sp 4. Start the game via RAGEPluginHook.exe. Press F4 in game and type "spawn vehiclename" to spawn the new vehicles. List of new vehicles: https://twitter.com/FoxySnaps/status/97598474524608512...
I had to go to the police station to make a police report over some fraudulent account Capital One credit card has in my name. My boyfriend was to come over to my hoouse later after his plans of going to see the Yankee game. So he texts me and says he's leaving the stadium and ...
What it means for V5: Victory Five have a new five-man unit. They have added junglers Hung “Karsa” Hao-Hsuan and Li “XLB” Xiao-Long, ADC Ying “Photic” Qi-Shen, and support Guo “ppgod” Peng. Karsa is the big name here, but it’s notable that V5 also chose to bring in ...