Go to Los Colinas in Los Santos and look for the blue home on the hill with a rock wall. Go behind the home and you’ll find the spray can. 4. Spray Can Go to the Sobell Rail Yards in Las Venturas and go to the ones on the north side. And you’ll find the spray can in be...
#SetTime 8 – This command sets the time for your in-game world. Just change the number at the end accordingly. #ListSpawnedVehicles – Prints list of all spawned vehicles. Each vehicle has its ID, last access time and location printed. #TeleportToVehicle <Vehicle ID> Teleports invoking p...
blueColdTaigaHills =newBiomeGenBlueTaiga(115,0).setBiomeName("Cold Blue Taiga Hills").func_76733_a(5159473).setEnableSnow().setTemperatureRainfall(-0.5F,0.4F).setHeight(height_LowHills).func_150563_c(16777215); blueMegaTaiga =newBiomeGenBlueTaiga(116,1).setBiomeName("Mega Blue Taiga").func...
The in-game description for Sea Ganoderma is “A plant species that only grows in certain regions and islands of the ocean.” It resembles abig blue flower, but it’s an organism that exists in the shallow coastal waters across Inazumas scattered islands. This is what it looks like ...