However, one created from a renamed spawn egg does despawn as normal. have had the NBT tag {PersistenceRequired: 1b} set on them, whether by being summoned with it, or by being set manually with /data merge or /data modify[JE only]. This is also the only way to prevent ...
Spawn a mule and use a spawn egg on it to spawn a baby mule, or execute the following command: /summon minecraft:mule ~ ~ ~ {Age:-32767} Making sure the baby mule is the closest one to you, execute the following command: /data get entity @n[type=minecraft:mule] attributes ...
Upon killing the Ender Dragon for the first time no egg was generated on top of the exit portal (or anywhere else on the central end island) and the XP drop was substantially less then what some sources indicated it would be (only 7-19)... I am playing on a world converted from Xbo...
You cannot make a slime spawn egg, or any spawn egg. The only way to get them is by using '/give (username) minecraft:slime_spawn_egg' in chat. Replace (username) with your in-game name and enter it into the chat. Or, you can go into creative mode and search "slime" in the ...
You can’t re-spawn the dragon by taking the Ender Dragon egg and placing it on the exit portal. This is a very common Minecraft myth. Method 2 Using the Cheat Console on Desktop Download Article 1 Open Minecraft. Click or double-click the Minecraft Java app icon, which resembles a ...