Use of MODIS and Landsat time series data to generate high-resolution temporal synthetic Landsat data using a spatial and temporal reflectance fusion model. J Appl Remote Sens, 2012, 6: 063507 修正的时空数据融合方法通过使用自适应窗口大小选择方法选择最佳窗口大小和移动步骤对粗大像素进行分解来改进STD...
62. Amorós-López, J.; Gómez-Chova, L.; Alonso, L.; Guanter, L.; Zurita-Milla, R.; Moreno, J.; Camps-Valls, G. Multitemporal fusion of Landsat/TM and ENVISAT/MERIS for crop monitoring. Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinf. 2013, 23, 132–141. [CrossRef] OB-STVIUM采用了多...
Image fusion is known as the task of integrating two or more images into a single image [1, 2, 3]. The fusion of data essentially utilizes redundant information from multiple images to resolve or minimize uncertainties associated with the data, with goals such as to reject outliers, to ...
【时空融合】Spatiotemporal Fusion in 3D CNNs: A Probabilistic View #CVPR 2020# 本文由MSRA发表于CVPR 2020。时空融合(Spatiotemporal fusion)是三维卷积神经网络(3D CNNs)的关键要素,它决定了网络前馈...
To effectively promote the recognition performance, this paper presents a novel paralleled dual-branch attention-based spatio-temporal fusion network (PASTFNet). We jointly extract short- and long-range spatial relationships in spatial branch. Inspired by the composite architecture of the convolutional ...
(3D CNNs) to design more powerful spatiotemporal learning backbones. Among many others, spatiotemporal fusion is one of the essentials. It controls how spatial and temporal signals are extracted at each layer during inference. Previous attempts usually start by ad-hoc designs that empirically ...
Spatiotemporal Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Multiscale Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks abstract 地表反射率图像的渐变和突变是现有STF方法的主要挑战。(Gradual and abrupt changes in land surface reflectance images are the main challenges in existing STF methods.) ...
We study using continuous measurements of multiple sensor nodes to improve the classification performance by spatio-temporal fusion and fault detection. Time series decisions of single sensor node are aggregated to make a reliable classification estimation. A fusion center combines local classification ...
多级融合模块(Multilevel Fusion Module, MFM) 一个coarse pixel由多个fine pixels生成 (理解为pooling),如果fine pixels被分为多个类,那么在(xi, yi)的coarse pixel的公式为: C :coarse image,l:fine pixel classes的数量,fc:coarse pixel对应的fine pixels中属于类c的比例,Fc:属于类c的fine pixel的值 ...
[论文笔记]PSTAF-GAN: Progressive Spatio-Temporal Attention Fusion Method Based on GAN 动机 ① 大多数现有的基于Deep Learning的方法以band-by-band的方式训练模型,忽略了band之间的相关性。 ② 由于复杂的表面特征和一般细和粗图像之间的空间分辨率比率大,一般的粗时空变化低空间分辨率图像(如MODIS)计算像素域不...