'D:\\2013\\SQLite\\ spatialtest.sqlite',"SPATIALITE")u'D:\\2013\\SQLite\\spatialtest.sqlite' 使用sqliteadmin 查看会发现其结构和 ST_GEOEMTRY 类型的差异很大,如下图: 在这里主要看两个表 spatialite_ref_sys 和 spatialite_history,其他的表可以按照上面的方式去探索。
经统计,qsqlspatialite.dll 文件通常会出现在以下路径,以下是每一个路径的使用率: 44.44% c:\osgeo4w64\apps\qgis\qtplugins\sqldrivers\ 27.78% c:\osgeo4w64\apps\qgis-dev\qtplugins\sqldrivers\ 27.78% c:\osgeo4w\apps\qgis\qtplugins\sqldrivers\ 提示:如果找不到软件安装路径,可以根据上面列出...
QGIS 3.22/3.24 freezes with hourglass for about 2 minutes when I click on close button of Update SQL Layer dialog, even if I didn't modify the query. If I click on Execute button, I get this error : "an error occurred while opening GPKG dbname=..." This happens with a big database...
This algorithm was tested using data from the SQLite/SpatiaLite and PostgreSQL/PostGIS database. In processing spatial relationship queries involving six threads, the algorithm yielded a 3.6X maximum speed-up increase in performance compared to single-thread processing on SQLite/SpatiaLite database ...
click on close button of Update SQL Layer dialog, even if I didn't modify the query. If I click on Execute button, I get this error : "an error occurred while opening GPKG dbname=..." This happens with a big database file (600 Mb), only with with query ...
Author Name: Jakub Kosik (@jakosek) Original Redmine Issue: 18064 Affected QGIS version: master Redmine category:python_plugins I'm trying to port my plugin to python3/Qt5/QGIS3. I'm using spatialite database with QtSqlDatabase to manage...
I was wondering how hard would it be to add spatialite support? Are you aware of any problem that would prevent it to be compiled? Thank you, Guillaume jvail commented May 15, 2015 Experimental, seems to work though: Sorry, something went wrong...