Spatial Transformer Stream (S-TR):通过 SSA 模块在骨架级别应用自注意力,该模块专注于关节之间的空间关系,然后将其输出传递给时间维度上具有内核 Kt 的 2D 卷积模块(TCN),S-TR(x) = Conv2D(1×Kt)(SSA(x)),遵循原始的 Transformer 结构,输入通过批量归一化层[4,11] 进行预归一化,并使用跳过连接,将输入...
2.Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network 这是STTN的核心部分,通过一个多头 patch-based attention模块沿着空间和时间维度进行搜索。transformer的不同头部计算不同尺度上对空间patch的注意力。这样的设计允许我们处理由复杂的运动引起的外观变化。例如,对大尺寸的patch(例如,帧大小H×W)旨在修复固定的背景;对小尺寸的patch...
In this work, we propose a novel Spatial-Temporal Transformer network (ST-TR) which models dependencies between joints using the Transformer self-attention operator. In our ST-TR model, a Spatial Self-Attention module (SSA) is used to understand intra-frame interactions between different body ...
12 Spatio-Temporal Transformer Network with Physical Knowledge Distillation for Weather Forecasting 13 Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning Based on Metapath Aggregation for Emergency Supply Forecasting 14 Urban Traffic Accident Risk Prediction Revisited: Regionality, Proximity, Similarity and Sparsity 15...
12 Spatio-Temporal Transformer Network with Physical Knowledge Distillation for Weather Forecasting 作者:Jing He,Junzhong Ji,Minglong Lei 关键词:气象预测,知识蒸馏 13 Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Graph Learning Based on Metapath Aggregation for Emergency Supply Forecasting ...
Spatial Temporal Transformer Network Introduction This repository contains the implementation of the model presented in the following paper: Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, Chiara Plizzari, Marco Cannici, Matteo Matteucci,ArXiv ...
This paper proposed a graph spatial-temporal transformer network for traffic prediction (GSTTN) to cope with the above problems. Specifically, the proposed framework explores spatial characteristics of the across-road network of traffic information hidden in human behavior patterns via a multi-view ...
12 Correlation Attention Masked Temporal Transformer for User Identity Linkage using Heterogeneous Mobility Data 作者:ZiAng Yan,Xingyu Zhao,Hanqing Ma,Wei Chen,Jianpeng Qi,Yanwei Yu,Junyu Dong 关键词:移动数据 13 POI-Enhancer: An LLM-based Semantic Enhancement Framework for POI Representation Learning ...
这里介绍一篇最近的arXiv论文:“Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Dynamic Scene Graph Generation“,作者来自德国汉诺威大学和荷兰特温特大学。 从视频生成动态场景图(Dynamic scene graph), 比从图像生成场景图更具挑战性,因为目标之间的动态关系和帧之间的时间依赖性需要更丰富的语义解释。如图显示了图像和视频生成scene...
18. Multi-Relational Graph Attention Network for Social Relationship Inference from Human Mobility Data 相关链接 2024 IJCAI(International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 国际人工智能联合会议)在2024年8月3日-9日在韩国济州岛举行。 本文总结了IJCAI2024有关时空数据(Spatial-temporal) 的相关论文,如...