论文:《Spectral-Spatial Attention Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification》 1. Motivation 在CNN和RNN中引入attention机制: RNN + attention:学习波谱内部相关性 CNN + attention:关注空间维的显著特征以及相邻像元的空间相关性 2. Structure of M... ...
spatial-channel attention(SCA)模型:使用pyramid pooling structure ,global average pooling 可以有效结合多尺度和全局 context information,并且产生spatial 和channel-wise attention,以选择有区别的特征 Extension Spatial Upsample(ESU)模型:recover 由于consecutive pooling operators 产生的loss spatial information,从而产生...
residual-networks binary-classification churn-prediction cnn-classification residual-neural-network squeeze-and-excitation channel-attention spatial-channel-transformer telco-churn-classification resudal spatial-channel-attention Updated Jan 13, 2024 Jupyter Notebook Improve this page Add a description, imag...
Spatial Channel AttentionMedical image segmentation is essential for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications, requiring the precise delineation of complex anatomical structures. In this paper, we introduce a lightweight Spatial-Channel-Attention-based network for efficient medical image segmentation, named...
简介:【即插即用】Triplet Attention机制让Channel和Spatial交互更加丰富(附开源代码) 1、简介和相关方法 最近许多工作提出使用Channel Attention或Spatial Attention,或两者结合起来提高神经网络的性能。这些Attention机制通过建立Channel之间的依赖关系或加权空间注意Mask有能力改善由标准CNN生成的特征表示。学习注意力权重背后是...
题目:SCA-CNN: Spatial and Channel-wise Attention in Convolutional Networks for Image Captioning 作者:Long Chen等(浙大、新国立、山大) 期刊:CVPR 2017 1 背景 注意力机制已经在自然语言处理和计算机视觉领域取得了很大成功,但是大多数现有的基于注意力的模型只考虑了空间特征,即那些注意模型考虑特征图像中的局部...
【摘要】 摘要 视觉注意已经成功地应用于结构预测任务,如视觉字幕和问题回答。现有的视觉注意力模型一般是空间的,即注意力被建模为空间概率,该空间概率对编码输入图像的CNN的最后一个卷积层特征图进行重新加权。 然... 摘要 视觉注意已经成功地应用于结构预测任务,如视觉字幕和问题回答。现有的视觉注意力模型一般是空...
Spatial-channel attentionFashion clothes classification encompasses spotting and identifying items of clothing in an image. This area of research has involved using deep neural networks to make an impact in the field of social media, e-commerce and fashion world. In this paper, we propose an ...
【CNN Tricks 不完全指北】基于飞桨学习CNN各个部分的提升技巧 【CNN Tricks 不完全指北手册】基于飞桨来看CNN各个部分的提升技巧0、引言 随着人工智能日新月异的发展,其作为一个新行业吸引了众多的同学们进行学习,但是各种各样的网络技巧层出不穷,为… 快速实现AI想法 总结-CNN中的目标多尺度处理 点点点打开...
This paper proposes a multi-kernel-size spatial-channel attention method to detect COVID-19 from chest X-ray images. Our proposed method consists of three stages. The first stage is feature extraction. The second stage contains two parallel multi-kernel-size attention modules: multi-kernel-size ...