Tensor-based Spatial-Temporal Graph ODE: 首先作者展示了常规的GCN的表现形式: H_{l+1}=GCN(H_l)=\sigma(\hat{A}H_lW)\tag{7} 但是常规GCN通常会遇到over-smoothing问题,所以此文使用ODE改进了常规GCN。首先此文介绍了此文中新的GCN的离散形式: ...
In the field of skeleton-based action recognition, accurately recognizing human actions is crucial for applications such as virtual reality and motion analysis. However, this task faces challenges such intraindividual action differences and long-term temporal dependencies. To address these challenges, we...
21. Pre-Training Identification of Graph Winning Tickets in Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks 链接:arxiv.org/abs/2406.0828 代码:anonymous.4open.science 作者:Wenying Duan (Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Human-Machine Interaction, Nanchang University); Tianxiang ...
To this end, we propose Spatial-Temporal Graph Ordinary Differential Equation Networks (STGODE). Specifically, we capture spatial-temporal dynamics through a tensor-based ordinary differential equation (ODE), as a result, deeper networks can be constructed and spatial-temporal features are utilized ...
In this paper, we propose a new stochastic model that incorporates transportation between regions and at the same time enables spatial and temporal heterogeneity of transmission parameters. We model n regions as a graph having n nodes, and the transportation pattern between the regions is encoded as...
Rio, “Using BlazePose on Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition,” Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 19–36, 2023, 10.32604/cmc.2023.032499. Google Scholar An et al., 2023 P. An, et al. Leveraging self-paced semi-supervised learning with ...
CarloLucibello/GraphNeuralNetworks.jl: Graph Neural Networks in Julia FluxML/GeometricFlux.jl: Geometric Deep Learning for Flux Python: pyg-team/pytorch_geometric: Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch benedekrozemberczki/pytorch_geometric_temporal: PyTorch Geometric Temporal: Spatiotemporal Signal Proce...
How do we quantify privacy of spatio-temporal data? What computational methods can enhance the privacy of spatio-temporal data? 1.6 B.6 Networks How may one determine, authenticate and guarantee the location of an Internet entity (e.g., client, server, packet) despite autonomy, heterogeneity, ...
Biological cells rely on precise spatiotemporal coordination of biochemical reactions to control their functions. Such cell signaling networks have been a common focus for mathematical models, but they remain challenging to simulate, particularly in realistic cell geometries. Here we present Spatial Modelin...
29.Spatiotemporal graph queries on geographic databases under a conceptual abstraction scale 机译:概念抽象尺度下的地理数据库时空图查询 作者:Panagiotis Partsinevelos;Konstantinos Papadakis;Konstantinos Makantasis 期刊名称:《Geo-spatial information science》 | 2014年第2期 30.Two new hyperspectral indices ...