Self-attention VS CNN: CNN可以使看做一个简化版的self attention,可以严格证明。Self attention的convolution size是由网络自己决定的 《On the relationship between Self-attention and Convolutional layers》。CNN在小数据集上效果好,Self-attention大数据集上效果好。 Self-attention VS RNN: Self-attention一般都比...
Global Spectral self-Attention (GSA):这个模块可以简单的认为是将 H\times{W} 一个通道的像素进行投影变成token,token的数量是通道的数量。随后就进行自注意力等相关操作。 3 实验 表1:在ICVL数据集上使用已知方差的高斯噪声进行去噪比较。 从上表看出这篇论文提出的方法所有指标都比其他方法好。
Spatial-Spectral Self-AttentionLarge-scale real dataCoded aperture snapshot spectral imaging (CASSI) is an effective tool to capture real-world 3D hyperspectral images. While a number of existing work has been conducted for hardware and algorithm......
This study presents a spectral–spatial self-attention network (SSSAN) for classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs), which can adaptively integrate local features with long-range dependencies related to the pixel to be classified. Specifically, it has two subnetworks. The spatial subnetwork intro...
1) 我们提供了一种基于spectral–spatial morphFormer的新的可学习分类网络,该网络通过膨胀和侵蚀算子进行空间和光谱形态卷积。 2) 我们引入了一种新的注意力机制,用于将现有的 CLS tokens和从HSI patch tokens获得的信息有效地融合到一个新的token中,以进行形态特征融合。
Multigranularity Depthwise Convolution Token Embedding(MDTE): 为了充分捕捉HSI的多粒度特征,设计了一个MDTE模块,将视觉特征转换为具有不同粒度的语义tokens,使模型能够感知不同粒度的HSI信息。此外,深度卷积的应用还分离了空间和频谱特征,这保留了通道分布信息,并为后续的SSA机制提供了基础。图3展示了MDTE的过程。
Fig. 2 (a) Spatial-Spectral Self-Attention (TSA) for one V feature (head). The spatial correlation involves the modelling for x-axis and y-axis separately and aggregation in an order-independent manner: the input is mapped to Q and K for each dimension: the size of kernel and feature ...
可以看出,方法的核心在于SSMA模块,即spatial-spectral multi-head self-attention,该模块结构如下图所示: 其实原理也非常简单,图中画的非常清楚了。需要注意的是,在 spatial attention 前有一个 shift operation,论文中说是在X,Y方向分别 shift 的尺寸为 M/2 个像素,代码为: shifted_x = torch.roll(x, shifts...
In this section, the spectral-spatial domain attention network (SSDA) architecture will be introduced in detail, which includes a spectral-spatial module, a domain attention module, and a multiple loss module. 3.1. SSDA Framework Figure 1 displays the training framework of the SSDA. In particular...