Analysis indicated a significantly better gain by the experimental group on the PASA-2 measure of awareness of pattern and structure and on the PASA-Sp assessment of spatial ability at the post-SRMP period. However, there were no significant differences found between groups on the PATMaths4 test...
House, Simulating spatial patterns in forest ecosystems, Maths Cornput.Green, D. G., House, A. P. N., House, S. M. (1985).Simulating spatial pattern in forest ecosystems. Mathematics and computers in simulation (in press)Green, D.G., House, A.P..N. & House, S.M., "Simulating ...
Non-verbal ability was assessed with Raven's Progressive Matrices26, in which par- ticipants selected which of eight options completed a visual pattern, across 30 trials. Correct responses for each measure were summed and standardised, and the mean of these scores was used as a proxy of ...
Currently we have functions for spatial point-pattern analysis derived from spatstat and splancs. The geostatistical functionality of the geoR package can be easily integrated, as well as other packages currently in the CRAN.B. RowlingsonA. Baddeley...
As outlined here, if we look for a sign change in the real part of $\lambda (k^2)$, this indicate there exists a range of wavenumbers for which patterns will emerge. The range for which it is positive will give us the characteristic length of the Turing pattern. Instead, we will ...
Secondly, the urban spatial use of command economy in China presents commerce-residence-industry-agriculture from center to periphery that is greatly different from market economy. Whereas the same pattern still occurs in the period of Chinese Transforming Economic Pattern. Thirdly, the phenomena that ...
We found changes in brain function distributed across micturition loci (e.g., subregions of the salience, sensorimotor, and default networks) that were significantly related to the stimulus (volume) and response (urinary urge). Based on our results, this paradigm can be applied in the future ...
For example, you could bring a few additional chairs into the room, move a large piece of furniture toward the center of the room, place a coffee table in an odd corner, move a side table to the center of the room, or create several other obvious disturbances of the usual pattern of ...
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