A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Zspatial pattern Share URL [geography] The arrangement or placement of features on the earth, as well as the space between them. The repetitive or structured arrangement of features on the ground or map. ...
Geography is a vital subject of the school curriculum which is creative, practical and intellectually stimulating. It tries to identify features on the field, their spatial pattern as well as give explanations to process which have generated the observed distributional patterns their location and ...
MalesPersonal SpaceSex DifferencesSex RolePrevious research on effects of gender on spatial pattern preferences failed to yield definitive conclusions. This study replicates and extends previous research on seating arrangements, while considering sex of respondent, sex of interaction partner, and perceived ...
A spatial pattern distinction was also shown by the ANI values, as the average ANI of allopatric phages belonging to the same PGTs was 88%. In comparison, the average ANI of sympatric phages belonging to the same PGT was 96%. Structure of the phage-bacterium interaction network To define ...
Artificial-intelligence techniques such as various forms of artificial neural networks (ANN) can be very useful for segmentation, as they enable superior generalization and non-linear pattern-recognition capabilities via network architecture and deep learning (i.e., more than one hidden layer of neuron...
model building and the analysis of spatial pattern in human geographydoi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1975.tb01548.xA. D. CliffJ. K. OrdRoyal Statistical SocietyJournal of the Royal Statistical SocietyCliff A, Ord J (1975) Model building and the analysis of spatial pattern in human geography. J R ...
The first three definitions are used to discover the spatial interaction pattern, while the last one can be used to evaluate the discovered results. The definition of spatial support considers spatial semantic of discovered pattern (the size of spatial area) and confidence indicates the transmission ...
Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Georeferencing, Geocoding X. Yao, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009 Spatial resolution The spatial resolution of a georeferencin...
Studies on the spatial evolution of rural settlements can contribute to the development of rural geography by discerning the rural human-land relationship (Hoffman, 1964; Dong, 1992). Related research mainly includes the following three aspects: First, it explores the spatial pattern evolution modes ...
Spatial pattern of schistosomiasis in Xingzi, Jiangxi Province, China: the effects of environmental factors. Parasit Vectors. 2013;6:15. Article CAS Google Scholar Zhang ZJ, Carpenter TE, Lynn HS, Chen Y, Bivand R, Clark AB, Hui FM, Peng WX, Zhou YB, Zhao GM. Location of active ...