Despite intensive studies on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games, there have been few investigations into locality effects in interaction games, adaptation, and punishment. Here we analyze locality effects using an agent-based model of a regular graph. Our simulation shows that...
This journal recently switched to a different submission and peer review system. In order to ensure that the author(s) remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout the peer review process, you will be asked to submit certain information and statements directly in the system’s interface instead o...
Database models, spatial queries, and indices are three important issues that must be considered in order to provide a satisfactory spatial database service. Spatial queries that are performed on spatial objects mainly include location-based queries, spatial-relationship-based queries, and attribute-bas...
Notice that some hypotheses may be assumed in order to confront all the objects, and that there also is need for an hypothesizer/verifier procedure. 17.6.9Examples in spatial knowledge engineering In this section, we present two small examples inspatial knowledgeengineering. The first concerns the...
While the conclusions themselves regarding EU-China relations may not add much to existing literature on the topic, our contribution to the research lies in explaining this situation and in mapping the points that need to be tackled in order to achieve an EU China-policy that is truly ...
Eastern European and Bangladeshi students. In order to foster partnerships with other universities, in 2018 the Summer School hosted 5 teachers from universities in Australia, Brazil, Italy, Kenya, and South Africa, who came to the summer school to learn about its topic and its teaching methods...
(1998) also highlighted that it is not straightforward to understand matrices as ordered sequences of pictures. In fact, and independently of order, it is not even straightforward to parse matrices as a structured set of pictures with a systematic organization in rows and columns (for a similar...
The incremental and unplanned strategy of ExpoinCittà (first developed in Milan on the occasion of the 2015 Expo in order to utilize and activate thousands of public and private spaces within the metropolitan region) could be spread out to all the areas involved in hosting the 2026 Games. Nev...
These interventions operate across scales (from local to regional to national) and can have second-order spatial interactions13,14,15 in the sense that a change in one locality will take time to propagate through space and time to other localities16,17. Relying on static snapshots via ...
The running time of the algorithm is dominated by the retrieval of the necessary places, in increasing order of their relevance, using the kSP algorithm, until the result is finalized. Let K be the number of these places; the cost of their retrieval is \(O(K\cdot kSPT)\), where kSPT ...