Spatial-temporal reasoning is also important in the development of artificial intelligence. It has many applications in natural language processing, geographic information systems, computational biology and document interpretation. What is spatial and temporal resolution? The spatial resolution is the am...
Reactivation of earlier perceptual activity is thought to underlie long-term memory recall. Despite evidence for this view, it is unclear whether mnemonic activity exhibits the same tuning properties as feedforward perceptual activity. Here, we leverage
Using machine learning techniques, we decoded the (x,y) position of the locus of attention at a high spatial and temporal resolution before target onset, which allowed us to classify trials based on how well attention was oriented according to task instructions. In agreement with previous studies...
The present work investigates the logical abilities of naive reasoners when given relational reasoning problems. Subjects were given one of two versions of the relational reasoning task: a temporal version or a spatial version. Both versions of the task consisted of two passages of text from which...
Spatial and temporal properties of illusory contours and amodal completion were investigated using a shape discrimination task. Performance was characterized as accuracy of angular discrimination of the inducing figures (‘pacmen”) in a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) paradigm. First, we compared...
(E-Prime 2.0, Psychology Software Tools, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA) and administered with Dell OptiPlex 9010 touchscreen PC in 1920 × 1080 resolution. Participants completed seven tasks in the following order: (1) breadth of attention; (2) exogenous orienting of spatial attention; (3) ...
Spatial and temporal vision mature at different rates and attain adult levels at different ages (Banks, 1982, Ellemberg, Lewis, Liu & Maurer, 1999). At 6 months of age, grating acuity falls short of that of adults by nearly a factor of 8 (e.g. van Hof-van Duin & Mohn, 1986), an...
a formal theory of spatial and temporal resolution of observations underlying geographic information. The theory has a dual importance: (i) at the theoretical level, it is to be taken as a small and necessary piece of the science of scale; (ii) at the practical level, the axioms of the ...
Fourier kernel,v(τ) is the temporal kernel,bis the offset during rest,ais the change in offset during locomotion,y(t) is the measured response andr(t) is an indicator variable taking the value 1 when the instantaneous velocity of the animal is at least 1 cm s−1, and zero ...
Odours are a fundamental part of the sensory environment used by animals to guide behaviours such as foraging and navigation1,2. Primary olfactory (piriform) cortex is thought to be the main cortical region for encoding odour identity3–8. Here, using ne