This cluster is highly unusual in that it is positioned in the middle of a TIM barrel, ligated by three cysteines residing from β2, β3, and β5 strands of the SAM radical core fold, and an unprecedented arginine residue contributed by the C-terminal region (41). The distance between ...
A muscle spasm is an involuntary, often painful, muscle contraction. Though not always serious, muscle spasms can be a sign of...
Klipspringer , in a spasm of embarrassment. " That is, I'd BEEN asleep. “ 我在睡觉, ” 克利普斯普林格先生窘迫之中脱口而出, “ 我是说, 我本来在睡觉. 7.Worry is a spasm of the emotion. 忧虑是感情的一阵发作. 8.The princess flushed, and Hotah saw a spasm of anger pass across ...