SPAS-12(英语:Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun,意为“特殊用途自动型霰弹枪”)是一款由意大利枪械制造商路易吉·弗兰基在1979—2000年期间所生产的战斗霰弹枪,发射12铅径霰弹。 SPAS-12是一款双模式操作的霰弹枪,它同时具备半自动和泵动两种发射模式。与其他竞争对手相比之下,虽然枪身较沉重和控制方式复杂,但是SPAS...
For a similarly named shotgun, see USAS 12. The SPAS-12 is a shotgun featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance, C
SPAS-12可在多个关卡中捡到。 多人联机 SPAS-12在玩家达到等级8级时解锁。 SPAS-12的总体伤害表现一般,是所有泵动/杠杆式霰弹枪中威力表现最小的,但仍可以做到极限距离一枪毙命。相对的,SPAS-12在其射程衰减区域就要求玩家尽可能地命中更多弹丸,以保证一枪击杀,容错率偏低。使用Damage专精后,SPAS-12的威力会增...
关于SPAS-12的散布方面,有几个特别的地方。第一,SPAS-12的瞄准时散布要大于盲射散布。所以追求弹丸密集度的话,不要使用瞄准射击。第二,其盲射散布在任何姿态都不会发生改变。第三,唯一可以增强散布属性的方式,是使用Steady Aim技能,并盲射射击。由于瞄准射击会起到一定的反作用,玩家完全可以不用瞄准操作增加自己的...
Replaces the "Combat Shotgun" on Lt. Rocky's edit of arby26's animations. It could have been a perfectly normal Penn Arms Striker-12 if not for the lack of the shell deflector (which MW2 model had). I was, unfortunately, unable to remove the rail as there is a beautiful static sha...
在3DM Mod站下载求生之路2最新的杀手2沉默刺客-锯掉Shot弹枪发声(Spas-12) Mod,由Yakuza Merkitzi制作。huanling8603在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Yakuza Merkitzi Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 305.77KB 更新...
The name is also used frequently when characters refer to SPAS-12 in story dialogue. While SPAS-12 is equipped with her "Goblin Huntress" costume, when her skill activates, it gives her shots a flaming particle effect, similar to Dragons-breath shotgun shells. It's really, really cool. ...
The Franchi SPAS-15 is a dual-mode 12 gauge combat shotgun manufactured by the Italian firearms company Franchi.[1] The weapon is based on the SPAS-12, and is also capable of switching between pump-action and semi-automatic firing modes. In semi-automatic mode, a gas piston drives a ...
SPAS-12(英语:Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun,意为“特殊用途自动型霰弹枪”)是一支由意大利路易吉·弗兰基在1979年至2000年期间设计和生产的霰弹枪(战斗霰弹枪),发射12号口径霰弹。SPAS-12是一种双模式操作的霰弹枪,这是因为它同时具有半自动和泵动两种发射模式。与竞争对手的设计相比以下,虽然其枪身较...