二、老样子,还是按照视频展示顺序将MOD名称排序,创意工坊搜索即可: 1、SPAS 12 Animated (Spas12); 2、Reanimated SPAS (Combat Shotgun) Folded Stock Arima & Cele Animations; 3、MW2019 SPAS-12; 4、Striker 12 (SPAS-12); 5、Black Ops - SPAS-12 (Enhanced) [SPAS]; 6、AA-12 (Spas); 7、CQS...
For a similarly named shotgun, see USAS 12. The SPAS-12 is a shotgun featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance, C
二、老样子,还是按照视频展示顺序将MOD名称排序,创意工坊搜索即可: 1、SPAS 12 Animated (Spas12); 2、Reanimated SPAS (Combat Shotgun) Folded Stock Arima & Cele Animations; 3、MW2019 SPAS-12; 4、Striker 12 (SPAS-12); 5、Black Ops - SPAS-12 (Enhanced) [SPAS]; 6、AA-12 (Spas); 7、CQS...
Combat_Shotgun_Franchi_SPAS_12_textures.rar 免费的文件格式转换 3D 模型 产品规格 66,706 多边形 64,177 顶点 Polygonal Quads/Tris 几何 纹理 物料 UV映射 non-overlapping 未包装UV 产品编号: 1987638 Nov 15, 2022 来自 3d_molier International 68284个产品自2015起 8324 最优惠的价格保证 ...
Chris's unofficial home page for Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun, including SPAS-11, SPAS-14. SPAS-15, LAW-12, SAS-12, and PA3..
Pros: Amazing Model Great Textures Classic white HUD Icon No Bugs Cons: Uses Arby's old Auto Shotgun animations, not the dark friendly animations Conclusion: Not not much to say other than "it's good and you should download it." The 2nd nicest SPAS I've ever seen for L4D2.Developers...
Half-Life Source: Black Mesa SUV (non-steam ver.) Mod [xdR] Garry's Mod Dance Replaces Healing Mod AtlasFreeman99's Skyboxes [Under Construction] Mod Shotgun Spas with M203 (Vscript) Mod xdReanimsBase (L4D2) Anim Mods base Mod Suspend Disbelief (Renegadist Aesthetics)...
27 August 2017, 12:15AM Another gun for Doc Mitchell's house stash That wire protruding from folded stock looks impractical though GaigeStorm premium 302 kudos 27 August 2017, 7:24AM That wire is the carry handle. There will be a version without it since I knew some wouldn't like...
SPAS-12 operates her shotgun in pump-action mode in-game, despite her gun being capable of faster semi-automatic fire. In her damaged artwork, the stock of her shotgun is unfolded, whereas normally she has it folded up. The patch shown on her design is also present on RF TAC-50 which...
…a shotgun that's outclassed by other options, from what I can see, and a pistol with next to no use because the Marksman Pistol exists, along with the Heavy Revolver Mk.2... I'm not even sure I want them! Is the new shotgun that bad? I haven't been able to test it agains...