然而,SuiteSparseQR的符号分析阶段精确地模拟了每个前阵在O(|A|+|R|)时间内的装配,以找到这个准确的数量,如果等级检测阈值是无效的(tol < 0)。 四、数值分解 对于其数值分解,SuiteSparseQR从先前的实现多波前稀疏QR分解中使用了大量的理论和算法[Matstoms 1994;Amestoy等,1996年;Lu和Barlow, 1996年;皮尔斯和刘...
signature(x = "sparseQR") :参见expand1-methods。 expand2 signature(x = "sparseQR") :参见expand2-methods。 qr.Q signature(qr = "sparseQR") :返回 dgeMatrix 或 ,具体取决于可选参数 complete 。默认为 FALSE ,表示 。 qr.R signature(qr = "sparseQR") : qrR 返回 、 、 或 ,具体取决于可...
Sparse QR decomposition of a sparse matrixKNex
I understand that SparseQR is used to factorize sparse matrices and can also be used to solve a sparse linear system of equations. At least, the title Sparse QR is: "The Sparse QR routines provide a multifrontal sparse QR factorization method for solving a sparse system of linear equations...
In the recently presented sparse matrix extension of MATLAB, there is no routine for sparse QR factorization. Sparse linear least-squares problems are instead solved by the augmented system method. The accuracy in computed solutions is strongly dependent on a scaling parameter δ. Its optimal ...
I am trying to solve a sparse least-squares like problem using the SparseQR solver in Eigen. In the course of my application, I have to solve for both the over and underdetermined equations provided by some matrixAwhereAis overdetermined andA.transpose()is underdetermined. ...
Python wrapper for SuiteSparseQR This module wraps theSuiteSparseQRdecomposition function for use withSciPy. This is Matlab's sparse[Q,R,E] = qr(). For some reason, no one ever wrapped that function of SuiteSparseQR for Python. Also wrapped are the SuiteSparseQR solvers forA x = bfor t...
In this article, for solution of a system of linear algebraic equations Ax = b with a large sparse coefficient matrix A, the QR-decomposition with iterative refinement (QRIR) is compared with the QR-decomposition by means of Givens rotations(QRGR), which is without iterative refinement and ...
Sparse QR Factorization on a Massively Parallel Computer[J].The Journal of Supercomputiong,1992,(01):237-255.S. G. Kratzer (1992), `Sparse QR factorization on a massively parallel computer', J. Supercomputing 6(3-4), 237-255.Kratzer S G. Sparse QR Factorization on a Massively Parallel ...