Moreover, we extend the locally scaled distance measure with sparse, block diagonal weight matrices resulting in a better model for the data space and avoiding the computational load caused by using full matrices. We illustrate the approach with some example experiments on databases from pattern ...
这里还有一个名称叫做:Optimal Brain Quantizer (OBQ),是OBC文章中的一个具体的方法名字。 OBC解决问题的方法是通过贪心算法,一个weight一个weight裁剪过去,每裁剪完一个就更新剩下全部参数。实际上算法实现时也是一行一行做的,也是通过先给定一个Mask的方法做的,这和后续的SparseGPT也区别不大了。 和经典论文中的...
paper中还提到,因为google在训练的时候训练样本数超过5000亿,每次所有样本重新训练的成本和延迟非常大。为了解决这个问题,在初始化一个新的模型的时候,将会使用老模型的embedding参数和线性模型的weight参数初始化新模型。 (3)模型服务阶段 确认训练没问题以后,模型就可以上线。对于用户的请求,服务器首先会选出用户感兴趣...
《Dual-side Sparse Tensor Core》指出这个sparse tensor core要求稀疏度是固定的50%,而且只考虑到了weight sparsity不能考虑到activation sparsity,于是魔改Sparse Tensor Core的一些工作(提出了一种新的、未探索的范例,它结合了 outer-product 计算原语和基于位图的编码格式),在Accel-Sim(GPGPU的模拟器)上进行了验证...
Specifically, we introduce three weight matrices into the data and regularisation terms of the sparse coding framework to characterise the statistics of realistic noise and image priors. TWSC can be reformulated as a linear equality-constrained problem and can be solved by the alternating direction ...
Surprisingly, we discover that for certain weight distributions, the limit lim n I ( n,c )/ n can be computed exactly even when c > e , and lim n I ( n,r )/ n can be computed exactly for some r ≥ 1. For example, when the weights are exponentially distributed with parameter 1...
Meanwhile, the scale selection model produces the weight vector. The three component-specific features are then fed into a multi-task joint sparse representation classification framework. The final decision is made in terms of accumulated weighted reconstruction error. Experiments on the Moving and ...
Moreover, a weighted sparse optimization algorithm is proposed to find and weight neighbors having the similar characteristics with each pixel. Some experiments are taken on some benchmark natural images, and the experimental results demonstrate its superiorities to NLM algorithm and its variants, in ...
为了提高模型对相机内外参泛化性,我们在Sparse4D v2中加入了内外参的编码,将相机投影矩阵通过全连接网络映射到高维特征空间得到camera embed。在计算deformable aggregation中的attention weightsW时,我们不仅考虑instance feature和anchor embed,还加上了camera embed。