Sparse kernel k -means clusteringView further author ChoiView further author informationSungchul HongView further author informationChangyi ParkView further author informationBeomjin Park
核稀疏子空间聚类方法(Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering, KSSC) 引言 核稀疏子空间聚类(KSSC)是稀疏子空间聚类(SSC)的一种扩展,旨在处理非线性可分的数据。 通过引入核技巧,KSSC 能够在高维特征空间中找到数据点的稀疏表示,即使在原始特征空间中数据点可能处于不同的低维子空间中。 这种方法特别适合于处理具有复杂...
稀疏子空间聚类(Sparse Subspace Clustering, SSC) 稀疏子空间聚类(Sparse Subspace Clustering, SSC)是一种处理高维数据的聚类方法,特别适用于当数据分布在多个低维子空间上的情况。 SSC 利用了稀疏表示的概念来估计数据点之间的关系,并以此构建相似度矩阵,最终通过谱聚类技术将数据点分配到各自的子空间中。 稀疏子空...
Sensitivity-Based K-means Clustering 量化的目标是将对量化后模型输出的扰动最小,本文将优化目标设为对最终loss的扰动最小,而不是像GPTQ那样以各层的输出扰动最小为目标。因此量化时需要将k-means的质点放在对最终loss更敏感的值附近。为了确定敏感权重的敏感性。使用泰勒展开对权重扰动的导数进行分析: L(WQ)≈L...
In this paper, by embedding the SPD matrices into a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), a kernel subspace clustering method is constructed un the SPD manifold through an appropriate Log-Euclidean kernel, termed as kernel sparse subspace clustering on the SPD Riemannian manifold(KSSCR). By ...
A novel RBF network with the multi-kernel is constructed to obtain a parsimonious and flexible regression model. The unknown centres of the multi-kernels are determined by an improved k -means clustering algorithm. And orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm is used to determine the remaining ...
) is equivalent to kernel K-means. Here we show how NMF and K-means are related and discuss their differences as well. By viewing K-means as a lower rank matrix factorization with special constraints rather than a clustering method, we come up with constraints to impose on NMF formulati...
Baseline 2 (B2), K-Means: We generate all possible video sequences containing 2t + 1 frames by applying a temporal sliding window. We then apply the K-Means clustering al- gorithm to each class to obtain K cluster centers per class. For each video, we select as key-frames the most ...
鲁棒核稀疏子空间聚类模型(Robust Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering, RKSSC) 引言 鲁棒核稀疏子空间聚类模型(RKSSC)是一种用于处理高维数据的聚类技术,特别设计用于对抗数据中的噪声和异常值。 该模型结合了稀疏表示、核方法和鲁棒优化策略,以在非线性子空间中寻找数据点的稀疏表示,同时最小化噪声和异常值的影响。
[7, 21, 3, 1] for modeling the co-occurrence of the codewords or descriptors, discriminative codebook learning in [10, 5, 19, 27] instead of standard unsupervised K-means clustering, and spatial pyramid matching kernel (SPM) [12] for modeling the spatial layout of the local features, ...