>a.forEach(function(x,i){console.log(i+". "+x)});//没有打印任何元素出来>a.map(function(x,i){returni})//返回所有索引的数组[,,]//返回的还是稀疏数组 2.密集数组(Dense arrays) Brandon Benvie最近在es-discuss邮件列表中提到了一个创建密集数组的技巧: >vara=Array.apply(null,Array(3));>...
Decision fusion: Sparse network vs. dense networkdoi:10.1109/iraniancee.2016.7585817S. Hamed JavadiIEEEIranian Conference on Electrical Engineering
where index in array determines if the array has an item at index position. Here's an interesting question: are all arrays in JavaScript dense? Or there might be arrays when isDense(array) would return false? Let's dig more! 2. Sparse arrays Unfortunately... there are situations when Jav...
In general, arrays in JavaScript are sparse – they can have holes in them, because an array is simply a map from indices to values. This blog post explains how to create dense arrays, arrays without holes.
to_zero_grad = sparse_ops.sparse_to_dense(index, shape, first_grad,0)return[to_zero_grad]# List of one Tensor, since we have one input 開發者ID:tensorflowkorea,項目名稱:tensorflow-kr,代碼行數:19,代碼來源:zero_out_grad_2.py 示例3: _sparse_vs_dense_xent_benchmark_dense ...
🐛 Bug When we call tensor.detach(), the operations supported on the detached tensor differ in case of sparse/dense. To Reproduce import torch t = torch.rand(3,3, requires_grad=True) t1 = t.detach() t1.zero_() i = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1,...
1、dense模型继续训练 vs upcycling 随着训练量的增加,upcycling相比dense模型继续预训练的优势逐渐扩大,如下图所示 2、下游任务模型效果 上面对比的是预训练模型。这些预训练模型经过微调后的效果对比如下。 相比预训练模型,微调模型表现出相对更大的震荡,不过大致趋势还是可以看出MoE模型更有优势。 3、MoE from scratch...
sparse_ops.sparse_to_dense(ind, array_ops.reshape( math_ops.reduce_prod(in_shape), [1]), array_ops.reshape(grad, [-1]), validate_indices=False), in_shape), array_ops.zeros( [], dtype=dtypes.int32)] 开发者ID:Jackhuang945,项目名称:tensorflow,代码行数:34,代码来源:nn_grad.py ...
data = {k: v.to_dense() for k, v in compat.iteritems(self)} return DataFrame(data, index=self.index, columns=self.columns) def _apply_columns(self, func): """ get new SparseDataFrame applying func to each columns """ new_data = {} for col, series in compat.iteritems(self): ...
sparse directory: An entry in the index corresponding to a directory, which appears in the index instead of all the files under that directory that would normally appear. See also sparse-index. Something that can cause confusion is that the "sparse directory" does NOT match the sparse specifica...