Sparky The Fire DogSparky takes a group of animals through the neighborhood to point out hazards, provides basic fire prevention and safety tips, and shows how to be prepared in case of an emergency.Don HoffmanTodd Dakins
Sparky the Fire Dog(机器翻译:消防犬斯巴克)作者:Don Hoffman 出版社:Charlesbridge ISBN(13位):9781936140862 语种:英语 开本:24 页数:32 市场价:¥ 48.6装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 平装 九成新 ¥ 14.60 ¥ 12.85 0 有货通知 内容简介 斯巴克是一只斑点狗,他喜欢住在学校操场外面,每天都会有一个...
Focuses on the Sparky Dog Project of American Society of Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) to promote fire safety message to kids in hospitals and nursing home residents. Significance of the Sparky doll to the mission of the project; How the society's chapters can be recognized through the project...
OOPS! --- Gloria found out that I had used some matches fer candles cuz we was fresh out of birthday candles, and we're never, never supposed to play with matches, so, of course, I got sent to the corner and had to stand there and I missed the cartoon where Jerry the mouse got...