SPARKS, Nev. (AP) — Sparks police and city officials are warning residents about fraudulent telephone calls that appear to be part of a spam attack regarding federal warrants and fictitious activity on Amazon accounts.
In Phoenix, Arizona, the outage impacted the Phoenix Police Department’s computerized 911 dispatch center, but the 911 center remained operational. City IT is working diligently to find a workaround until the outage has been resolved. CrowdStrike OutageABC News In Alaska, many 911 and non-emerg...
Long lines of vehicles formed at many gas stations over the weekend, and tempers frayed as some drivers waited for hours. Police were called to one London gas station Sunday after a scuffle broke out. Police said a man was arrested on suspicion of assault. The haulage industry says...
But the harelip greatly upset the baby’s grandfather, who fed the child potassium chloride only three days after birth. The grandfather and a doctor who is suspected of having provided him the chemical have both been detained by police and face possible murder charges. “It is a sad story...
In Phoenix, Arizona, the outage impacted the Phoenix Police Department’s computerized 911 dispatch center, but the 911 center remained operational. City IT is working diligently to find a workaround until the outage has been resolved. In Alaska, many 911 and non-emergency call centers were not...
Security at the venue notified state police officers about the swastika flag shortly before Sanders took the stage, said Bart Graves, a spokesman for the Arizona Department of Public Safety. The crowd “turned on the man,” he dropped the flag and ran when he saw officers approach. Officers ...
Veterans started being transitioned over to PCVRS in November, but the department has confirmed that the second phase of the rollout that was supposed to start on Feb. 3 has been delayed. "We consulted with VAC operations and PCVRS and decided to modify the rollout sched...
In Phoenix, Arizona, the outage impacted the Phoenix Police Department’s computerized 911 dispatch center, but the 911 center remained operational. City IT is working diligently to find a workaround until the outage has been resolved. CrowdStrike OutageABC News ...