Ihr Finanzpartner im Internet. Mit sicherem Online-Banking, vielen Angeboten und Services für Privat- und Firmenkunden.
Con Sparkasse sei Always ON: accedi al nuovo online banking direttamente dal tuo smartphone. Always ON YOUR SIDE La tua banca è sempre più PERSONALE: puoi personalizzare le funzioni e ricevere proposte e servizi su misura. Tutto questo, con la sicurezza di avere la tua banca sempre in tas...
You need an account with a German savings bank/bank that is activated for online banking. The TAN procedures supported for payment transactions are chipTAN manual, chipTAN QR, chipTAN comfort (optical), pushTAN; smsTAN. NOTES Questions and comments can be sent directly from the app via the ...
In September 2019, Sparkasse Bank Malta plc introduced the Spar Key authentication application which meets the requirements of the EU’s Payment Services Directive II (PSD2). The app was rolled out to all clients and is used to authenticate all user logins into the Bank’s online banking syste...
网站描述 - 个字符 Sparkasse KölnBonn BLZ 37050198 - TEL 0221-2260 - Ihre Bank in Köln & Bonn, 170 Filialen/Standorte bietet u.a. sichere Geldanlagen, Girokonto, Baufinanzierung, Online-Banking, Tagesgeld, Sparvertrag, Geldautomat, Online-Kredit, Kreditkarte 一般不超过200字符 竞争网站 ...
NCR had already proved itself as a project partner at that time and did again in the new tender. Both sides learned and adapted quickly and we both will benefit from the insights in future projects. " NCR Pulse Banking app is being used for the first time in Germany at Sparkasse Jena. ...
Ein großer Vorteil ist, dass du dir die Spesen für das Bezahlen in Fremdwährungen mit deiner Kreditkarte bis zu 6 Mal zurückholen kannst – so hilft dir die Sparkasse, bares Geld zu sparen. Allerdings musst du dich darum selbst in deinem George Online Banking unter “Meine Vorteile...
Ihr Finanzpartner im Internet. Mit sicherem Online-Banking, vielen Angeboten und Services für Privat- und Firmenkunden.
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